Chapter 57: He's gone

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Loren's POV

I rolled over in bed to the sound of a knock on the bedroom door. Killian heard the knock too and instantly got out of bed, getting dressed to answer it. I closed my eyes as I tried to remember the blur of yesterday and last night. I didn't even remember coming to bed, it all felt like a bad dream. 

I listened as Killian opened the door and a hushed voice whispered something I couldn't make out. 

"He's what?" Killian's deep voice roared through the bedroom and I groaned in response. He stepped out of the bedroom, slowly shutting the door behind him. Well now I was curious so I too got out of bed and got dressed. My eyes were heavy and required a few hard rubs in order to fully wake them up. 

Once I looked decent, I opened the bedroom door to find Matteo and Killian leaning against the stairwell. Killian was gripping the railing so hard that his knuckles were white while Matteo's back was against the railing, his face was as flat as the soda I left on my counter at home. His black hair was combed over similar to how Killian always did his hair and his brown eyes were focused on the floor in front of him. He wore black slacks and a white button down shirt, partially unbuttoned at the top revealing his chiseled chest. 

"What's going on?" I asked and Killian glanced from Matteo to me. 

"Wesley... he's gone."

My brows furrowed as I listened to what Killian just said. Gone as in dead? Or gone as in... miraculously escaped?

Killian read my mind, or actually just read my expression and answered my question before I could even ask. 

"He's escaped." He confirmed

"What do you mean? How?" I questioned.

"Somebody broke into it in the middle of the night. Then went through the barn and cut the metal bars open." Matteo's deep voice filled the hall and travelled down to the foyer. 

I'd be lying if I said I was upset Wesley was now free. However a part of me had a feeling he wasn't actually free. Wesley was in no condition to break himself out, especially not after the drama of yesterday. Somebody broke him out and i'm worried they didn't have the best intentions for him.  Wherever he was, I was glad he was no longer being held captive in that musty cellar.

But what if Killian and Matteo got rid of him themselves? And just made it look like an escape? Now that they had their information from him, they didn't need him anymore. He told me all that he knew. 

I looked from Matteo to Killian who was still standing at the railing staring at a piece of artwork across from us, his lips pursed into a flat line. 

"Dammit" Killian sweared as he finally released his grip on the railing and ran his fingers through his hair. 

Or maybe it wasn't their doing? Killian did seem pretty upset about this. It was far too early for this. 

"We'll look into it" Matteo shook his head and Killian nodded. 

"He couldn't have gotten very far without the help of somebody else" Killian added "We just need to figure out who found him and how they did it". 

I watched as Matteo walked down the stone stairs back into the foyer where his men were waiting. 

"As for you and I, we're leaving. It's too dangerous now." Killian swiftly returned to the bedroom and started to pack. 

Before long I was hugging Matteo goodbye and we were racing through the countryside again in the little red Ferrari. 

"I can't wait to see Emma and Adam and spend the day at the beach with them" I tried to think of something positive as I watched the rolling hills quickly pass by.

Killian didn't say anything in response and continued to speed around the curves of the winding road. I looked over at him and his hands gripped tightly around the steeling wheel and his eyes were focused on the road in front of him, his jaw clenched. I reached my hand over to his stiff arm which softened at my touch. 

"Sorry Doll, I'm just trying to think of what happened and what could have happened." He took his right hand off of the steering wheel and grabbed mine. "Whoever is doing this knows what they are doing. And Wesley was right, it's all part of a big plan. If they wanted me, I don't know, dead, they would have done it by now. They could have tried it last night or even while we were at the barn. But they didn't. Instead they just took their prisoner." Killian thought out loud. 

"Let's just think of something else" I whispered, knowing it was easier said than done. 

We made it back to the coast in about half the time that it took when we left. Instead of being able to enjoy the beach with Adam and Emma like I had hoped, we were meeting them at the airport. It wasn't safe here anymore, Killian said, and he was right. For all we knew, the person who was behind this was watching us drive through the city. Suddenly I got the chills as I thought about this. 

"Cold?" Killian observed and turned the AC off.

"I guess so" I chuckled. 

An hour later we were reuniting with Adam and Emma and Killian's private jet sat on the tarmac waiting for us. 

Emma and I hugged as we reunited, pouting that we weren't able to go shopping or to the beach. She had no idea what had just happened or actually why we were here. We could trust her but it didn't feel right to throw her into this mess. I wanted her to focus on her new relationship with Adam. We all boarded the plane and before long we were flying back in time to Seattle. 


Short little chapter for you guys :) 

I'm sorry I can't really stick to a set posting schedule. My work schedule is hectic so I can't really promise or set aside a time to write. 

Anyways, this took a turn! Do we think that what Wesley told Loren was actually legitimate or was he making it up? Is he trustworthy? What about Matteo?

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