Chapter 76: Wesley

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Loren's POV

I lifted my head up and groaned as my neck ached, screaming at me for letting my head dangle for so long. My arms laid at my side, restrained by a thick rope. A thick fog laid over my head and I was confused as to where I was and what I was doing.

The last thing I could remember doing was walking through downtown Seattle in the middle of the night after finding out that Killian had killed Wesley.. and I wasn't even sure if that was a dream or not.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness that surrounded me as my senses reset. I was sitting in some type of metal container.

I groaned as I took a deep breath in. There were no vents or windows in this container which meant that the smells I gave off were trapped with me.

This all seemed a little too familiar to me. What was I going to do now?

Did Killian even notice that I was missing? Or was he still with Vivian? Did he even care?

My heart ached as my most recent memories resurfaced. What even was my life anymore? What was the last year to him? What did this mean for us? The image of them kissing replayed over and over in my head and I swung it back causing a sharp metallic echo to ring through my ears.

My head ached and throbbed and I wished that I could go back to sleep.

As I sat in the painful silence, the sound of chains clinking together and falling against the metallic container shook me. A loud screech started as a slit opened in the door, a blinding light seeking its way to me.

My eyes squeezed shut as they were blinded by the light.

"Loren?" A familiar voice whispered. I tried to force my eyes open but they continued to burn from the lights.

"It's okay keep your eyes shut" The voice started again and the door creaked shut until it was just slightly ajar. "It's Wesley"

"Wesley??" I whispered and my throat burned.

"Yes but you need to be quiet, I'm here to help you" He hushed me and stepped towards me.

At this point my eyes had adjusted to the light and I was able to open them slightly. Standing in front of me was a whole new person, he didn't even look like the man I had seen in the cellar for so long. His once hollowed out face was now filled out. His golden hair was neatly pulled back into a bun and his beard was cut clean.

"You... I thought you were dead" I whispered as I took in the site.

"That night from the cellar, the boss found me and broke me out. Apparently he had tracked your phones or something. He came up with this idea to 'frame' Killian for my murder in order to get you away from him and kidnap you." Wesley's smooth english accent traced an evil story with innocence.

"What about Vivian?" I questioned, hoping that she too was a part of the plan.

"I- I'm sorry" He shook his head in confusion, "I have no clue as to who Vivian is."

I looked down at my feet for a second and then back up at him. "I'm so glad you're alive Wesley" I confessed and smiled

"Me too Loren, that way I can help you. Listen, the boss is just using you to lure Killian here so that he can do something, I don't know what. But it sounds like Killian is close to finding you." He went on to tell me the rest of the plan and what he was going to do to help me.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I hesitated

"The moment I knew the extent of the boss's plans, I didn't want to work for him anymore. While we were in the cellar I saw the pain and sincerity in your eyes. I knew that you didn't want me in there. You gave me your food ration... You have no idea how much that meant to me. I need to make it up to you" He sighed and rubbed his hands against his blue jeans.

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