Chapter 1 The beginnings

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Before this story starts, I probably explain how I first met her. It all began in October of 2014. It was several weeks before Halloween. My sister wanted me to attend and help out at the agricultural museum, "Its gonna be really fun" she said, I was like okay I'm bored and I need community service.

The first day, I helped out at the barn with setting up the props..... Fuck this shit I'm not gonna explain what I did, cause its gonna sound really boring. Let's fast forward to Friday, the day of Halloween. So I'm all dressed up I'm this scary costume. I have a zipper face mask that I bought from Amazon, that was from Tokyo ghoul. Yes, I'm a anime person. I don't give a fuck what you think, cause I look scary good. Walking like a weird zombie limping, making my rounds, but I got bored and I wanted to check out the haunted house. I'm thinking this is gonna be really fun, right?

As I go in it was pretty dark, waiting for a eyes to adjust. When I eye adjust I saw this really cute girl hiding in this corner, she told me to hide cause people is coming. So I hid in the same spot as she did. I was yasssss..... Honestly she was really pretty, even though she has all that Halloween make up on and there were several smudges on it. There's this one moment were our eyes met, everything started moving slowly, my heart started beating faster, I never felt anything like that before. By the way, I still have my mask on and never took off. I didn't reveal my identity yet.... There was fireworks going in my head and it was so adorable when she smiled. Her voice was so cute when she said hi.

The weather was freezing cold, I'm in a teared up, long sleeve, black shirt and black sweat pants. Throughout the night my mind was focused on her, the weather gave me an excuse to hug her to keep her "warm.". Her skin felt so soft, feeling her goosebumps all around her skin. I kept holding her, until the next group of people come and we had to scare the fuck out of them till they pee their pants. Then back to hugging her again, I forgot that there was this other guy in here and he was doing the same thing. I was like bruh, I hugged her first so fuck you. I didn't say that out loud cause I'm trying to be nice. I just kept wrapping my arms around her waist during the whole time that I was there. I asked what's her name, she said Harley and I said I'm Thomas, so I smiled at her. That really did not matter cause no one can see my mouth and my eyes, unless I unzipped it in order to talk.

It was close to 11 o'clock, it was almost time to go. I gave her a final hug and asked her if she's gonna be here tomorrow. She said yah, as I walk to out, I said see you then and waved.

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