Invite Your Friends!

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Quartermaster Drills here and we're proud to present an Invite Fair column. Also informally known as a tag fest! This time, it's a historical themed one.

We've seen many of these Tag someone who... segments and we'd like to do something similar to that, since we're hopefully a fun community. So here you have it. Invite someone . . .


Who's the Michelangelo of graphic design.

Whom you think would make a good war hero.

Whom you'd like to have as a pen pal.

Who'd easily fit in during the Renaissance Era.

Who's the Napoleon of organization.

Who's a pioneer in arts and culture.

Who plays an instrument.

Who's a rebel.

Whom you think would be a good innovator/builder.

Who's as brave as Harriet Tubman.

Who's your jolly good fellow whom you'd spend several drunk afternoons with.

Who'd make a good detective during the late 1800's.

Who'd attempt dangerous feats such as building flying objects.

Whom you think created unique dishes during the 1500s alongside Bartolomeo Scappi .

Who would revolutionize ideas, as Jean-Paul Marat and wouldn't stop until they've achieved their goals.

Who's more likely to have a good fashion taste.

Who's a meme icon and would've made an excellent jester back in the days.

Whom you'd love talking to, aboard the train or in a corner store.

Who'd be a stringent landlord/landlady.

Who'd be a codebreaker.

Who'd listen to you and gives the best advice.

Who's your partner in crime, whether be it pickpocketing the neighbour or grabbing a drink with.

Who'd have stayed with you and helped you up during the Great Depression.

Who'd be a thought provoking writer.

Who'd be one among the musicians for their innovative compositions.

Who's as strong as a Roman gladiator.

Whom you'd like to partner up with, for a chariot racing game.

Whom you'd like to co-own a plot of land with.


Got any cool invite someone who..? questions? Feel free to comment down below. For general queries about the workings of the community, please contact this account, the Quartermasters or the Peoples Council.

Feel free to check the previous segments for more information and do support our beloved Scriptors and Citoyen/Citoyenne. The information is put up in the other books.

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