(Short chapter)

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        Ben's POV

        My Frank was dead.. I was screaming, I was crying, I was a mess.

        I was shoved into my room by Jack, and told to go to sleep for tonight.

        I stayed there on the floor, not able to talk.. or barely walk.. or do anything. I just thought for a while.. But then, I remembered..

        I got up slowly and walked into my bedroom, and reached my hand under the bed. I felt around for something cold, and I finally found it. 

        The revolver.

        I went into the bathroom, and get out a rasor. I painfully cut 'Justice' into my arm, and walked out into my living room. 

        I aimed the gun to my temple, feeling the blood drip down my arm, onto the white carpet, and cried as I pulled back the trigger.



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