Unknown POV's (Sorta a cliffhanger)

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Unknown's POV

I walked into my dorm, which was nice.. There was a working shower in the bathroom, and a moderate size bedroom. I liked it, It was nice. Honestly better then my house back home, but.. the moment I stepped into my bedroom, I saw the glittering silver-bladed knife, laying on my bed.. I know what this mean't.. I was the.. the.. I had to.. kill people..

Another Unknown's POV

I ran into my dorm and closed the door shut behind me, as quickly as I could.. I slid down the back of my door and sit there in a ball crying. I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be killed, and I didn't want anything to happen to anybody else.. I snuck off into my bedroom after crying for about, 10 minutes. I noticed a shiny light sitting on my bed, and I saw the revolver, and I stared at it with horror. Now, all these innocent lives.. Are in my hands.. 

        What If i shoot an innocent?! What if I get found and stabbed?! I... I don't know If I can fulfill this task.. It's just too much pressure. I may have to just, die.

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