Chapter 5: Another Rescue Mission

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(At Stryker Island, Justice Lords Batman is seen walking around the cells, then he stops at his counterpart's cell)

(At Stryker Island, Justice Lords Batman is seen walking around the cells, then he stops at his counterpart's cell)

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Batman: Just a question. Why?

Batman (Justice Lords): Because you didn't do what was necessary.

(Then he walks away as he speaks)

Batman (Justice Lords): There's sensors of mercury in your hands and feet. One move and you're warned.

Batman: You thought about everything.

Batman (Justice Lords): No. Just about what you would think.

(Then The Flash is seen struggling to break free, then he sees Justice Lords Batman)

(Then The Flash is seen struggling to break free, then he sees Justice Lords Batman)

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The Flash: What are you looking at, huh?

Batman (Justice Lords): Calm down. You'll thank me someday.

The Flash: I will? And Hawkgirl has something to thank for?

Batman (Justice Lords): It was an accident. She is at our best hospital and maybe...

The Flash: I don't give a damn!

Batman (Justice Lords): Believe me. The last thing we want is to lose another...

The Flash: Another what?

(Justice Lords Batman simply goes away)

Batman: It looks like he liked you.

The Flash: Yeah... it must be my magnetic attraction...

Batman: More like for what happened to The Flash of this world.

The Flash: Wait, this means...

Batman: Something has caused all of this.

The Flash: Does it mean all of this... is just for me?

Batman: Not different from what we do... if you think about it.

The Flash: Whatever...

(Meanwhile in the Justice League Universe, the Justice Lords are seen modifying the watchtower)

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