Chapter 1: The Freedom Fighter

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(At the Watchtower, the Justice Lords are seen watching each sector)

Soldier 1: Sector 10. Everything calm.

Soldier 2: Sector 26. Everything calm.

Soldier 3: Sector 18. Everything calm.

Soldier 4: Sector 2. Everything calm.

Soldier 5: Sector 34. Everything calm.

Soldier 6: Sector 42, Late report.

Martian Manhunter (Justice Lords): Why the delay?

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Martian Manhunter (Justice Lords): Why the delay?

Soldier 6: Storms.

Martian Manhunter (Justice Lords): Can we help them?

Soldier 6: No sir. They've been taken out of there.

Martian Manhunter (Justice Lords): Let's proceed then. Sector 30.

Soldier 7: Everything calm.

Soldier 8: Sector 39, Everything calm.

(Meanwhile, Justice Lords Superman is seen alongside Justice Lords Wonder Woman talking with the president)

(Meanwhile, Justice Lords Superman is seen alongside Justice Lords Wonder Woman talking with the president)

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Superman (Justice Lords): Sorry. But we can't allow it yet.

President: But it's a tradition. Just like Halloween and Football. The people will not like it!

Superman (Justice Lords): They seem pretty content, sir. And election is no football. There's much to lose.

President: That's true. When do you think we can start one?

Superman (Justice Lords): Patience, Mr. President. Patience.

(The two Justice Lords fly away as Justice Lords Green Lantern and Justice Lords Hawkgirl are seen)

(The two Justice Lords fly away as Justice Lords Green Lantern and Justice Lords Hawkgirl are seen)

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Freedomwatch vs Justice Lords: Freedom Against OrderWhere stories live. Discover now