Chapter 3: Rescue Mission

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(At Watchpoint: Antarctica, Overwatcher shows the list of the Justice Lords' allies, much for the Huntsmen's shock)

Team RWBY: Even our counterparts are backing their insanity?

Jaune: What is their problem? Well... About Ironwood, we can expect anything from him.

Nora: I'll break their legs for that!!!

(Suddenly they receive a message of a mysterious figure, who looks like Lois Lane)

????: Freedomwatch... (static) Can you hear me?

Rambo: Lois?

????: Superman has definitely... gone nuts... He invaded the parallel Justice League universe... and kidnapped them.

Rambo: Damn it. He actually went too far this time!

????: I'm being kept... in Daily Planet Building as a captive, if you get what I'm saying. Two Atlas Soldiers... are preventing me from getting out... Please... Save me...

Rambo: Don't worry, Lois. I got your message.

(Meanwhile in the Justice League universe, the Justice Lords (except for Hawkgirl and Batman) see Doomsday overwhelming the soldiers)

Green Lantern (Justice Lords): Look at that.

Aquaman (Justice Lords): His cranium will decorate our room.

Superman (Justice Lords): Once we get him, they'll be so grateful and kneel before us!

Martian Manhunter (Justice Lords): IF we get them!

(As Doomsday resumes his destruction, an explosive arrow hits Doomsday, blowing him away)

Green Arrow (Justice Lords): Now that's what I call an entrance.

(Doomsday easily gets up. But then, Justice Lords Atom punches him while in his micro form, only to be eventually grabbed by him. Then Justice Lords Aquaman comes in and throws him down with his hook. Then he approaches him)

Aquaman (Justice Lords): I don't know who you are. But your time is already over villain. (prepares his hook) Your cranium will decorate our room!

(Doomsday punches Justice Lords Aquaman. But then Justice Lords Martian Manhunter attacks the monster until he uses his claws to make fire in the oil, burning him. Then Justice Lords Raven and Justice Lords Wonder Woman decided to elaborate a combined attack)

Raven (Justice Lords): Azarath Metrion Zinthos!!!

(Doomsday is launched to Justice Lords Wonder Woman who uses her lasso to slam him against a wall. Then Justice Lords Green Lantern tries to put him to sleep, only to be knocked out by him. While Justice Lords Superman decides to fight Doomsday, Justice Lords Wonder Woman tries to stop a freight train from falling.)

(Meanwhile in the parallel Stryker Island)

Lex Luthor: How are your wife and your child?

Guard: They liked the giant TV.

Lex Luthor: They will like a new charge even more.

(In a prison cell an unknown imnate makes a bet)

Inmate: 20 bucks on the ugly!

(As the fight goes on, Justice Lords Superman decides to ask about Doomsday's intentions)

Superman (Justice Lords): What do you want?

Superman (Justice Lords): What do you want?

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Doomsday: The same as you do, I suppose. Fame, power, everything this planet offers. Didn't get impressed.

(Then they return to their fight. As the fight goes on, Doomsday grabs Justice Lords Superman's neck)

Doomsday: Do you think you can hurt me? My skin was designed to survive a nuclear explosion.

(Then Justice Lords Superman uses his heat vision and fries Doomsday's brain)

Doomsday: Your bones are... my... bones...

(Doomsday falls down on his knees as the soldiers approach him)

Soldier: It looks like the Justice League solved the problem.

(As the Justice Lords walk away, they're surrounded by reporters)

Reporter 1: Superman. That was awesome.

(The reporters talk with Justice Lords Superman as the parallel Lois Lane comes in)

Lois Lane (parallel): You... lobotomized him, Superman.

Superman (Justice Lords): Any questions, Lois?

Lois Lane (parallel): Wasn't it against your ideals?

Reporter 2: It was time somebody did that.

Reporter 3: You're right. That's right.

Jimmy Olsen: And why the new uniforms?

Superman (Justice Lords): We thought it was time to change.

(Back to Earth-50)

(Rambo ties the laces of his shoes, puts the knife on his belt, and ties his bandana on his forehead.)

(Inside Daily Planet, the Atlas Soldiers keep watching Lois Lane's room until they see Rambo)

Atlas Soldier: Rambo?

(One of the Atlas Soldiers tries to shoot Rambo. But he evades and kicks him. Then the other Atlas Soldier tries to punch him, he grabs his hand and throws him down. Then he knocks both soldiers out before opening up the door as Lois Lane is seen)

Lois Lane: It looks like you got my message.

Rambo: I'm taking you outta here.

Lois Lane: Good. I had enough living in this cage.

Rambo: Do you have some winter clothes?

Lois Lane: Why ask?

Rambo: Our hideout is in Antarctica.

Freedom Stroke: (comes in) I have a better idea, Rambo

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Freedom Stroke: (comes in) I have a better idea, Rambo.

Rambo: What brings you here, Slade?

Freedom Stroke: The Main Star provided a refugee camp in Africa.

Lois Lane: And as long as this Main Star guy protects the refugee, they'll be immune to persecution.

Freedom Stroke: I'll take you there. (to Rambo) The others need you in the base.

Rambo: I'm on my way.

(Lois Lane joins the rebellion. Meanwhile, the Justice Lords have completed the second phase of their plans. What's going to happen next?)

Freedomwatch vs Justice Lords: Freedom Against OrderWhere stories live. Discover now