Chapter 4: Risks to be Taken

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(Sombra, Overwatcher, Glynda Goodwitch and the parallel Huntsmen are seen at Watchpoint: Antarctica as Rambo is shown in the screen)

Rambo: Guys. We have some good and bad news!

Overwatcher: I'm listening.

Rambo: Lois Lane joined us and Freedom Stroke is taking her to the refugee camp.

Glynda: And the bad news?

Rambo: Batman is keeping the parallel Justice League at Stryker Island.

Overwatcher: (sigh) Damn it! (to Sombra) You have a plan B, Olivia?

Sombra: I was hoping you would say that.

(Clicks the button and Earth-10B is shown)

Sombra: I've been thinking about recruiting some more heroes. To be more specific, the parallel Batgirl, besides Cyborg, Powergirl, Superboy and their leader Ben 10.

Ruby: This Superboy seems... different...

Sombra: And he is. The parallel Superboy is Jonathan Samuel Kent, son of the parallel Superman and Lois Lane.

Overwatcher: That seems risky. But we must gather every help we can.

(Suddenly, an anonymous message is seen)

????: Lucas. I need you to meet me at Gotham's alleyway. Now.

(Message ends)

Overwatcher: I'll get some weapons.

Superstar: Good idea

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Superstar: Good idea. It may be a trap.

Fire: If it's a trap

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Fire: If it's a trap. Who may be behind it?

Jaune: What do you mean?

Jaune: What do you mean?

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