chapter sixteen ; question

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The raindrops were visibly clear through the glass door, although the rain had stopped not long time ago. I took a sip of the coffee that my aunt's had prepared for us. 

Finally we'd decided to visit aunt and uncle after a long time. Jihyun went to the town with his uncle to buy some groceries together, leaving two of us women at home. 

"So... how was everything?" she asked me. 

I put down the cup on the small table in front of us. "Everything's good, maybe. Jihyun is getting better on his training and I'm working as usual. Nothing changed, it remains the same. Also, I'm sorry for not visiting you for a long time,"

"Aish, it's okay honey. I know both of you are busy. Jihyun is so much closer to his dream. He needs to focus more on his career, right?" she laughed at the end of her words. I nodded in agreement.

This old lady was so strict back when we were younger. Even when we went home late, we were scared to death to step into the house. She gave us a lot of punishments that made us a better person, she taught us well to be more concern of common senses and many more. 

God, I miss those old good days.

"By the way... have you found someone else?" 

I turned at her. "What do you mean?"

"Like... someone else to replace your boyfriend's place..." she said, almost whispering but I could hear every single words from her. "You're supposed to get married real quick, Jiyoon-ah. I believe this is the right time for you to reach the phase of marriage,"

I bit my tongue softly, while playing with my fingers. "Actually, we're back into a relationship."

 Her eyes widened. "What?"

I slightly nodded then I explained how both of us met again briefly. She listened to them, almost shaking her head in disbelief. "For real, after ten years?"


"I'm so happy hearing that both of you are going back together," she smiled. "Does Jihyun know about this?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. I don't know when's the right timing to tell him. I couldn't imagine how he will react to this. He hates Minho so much even they're in the same company, and Jihyun's under his observation..."

My aunt held my hand into hers, "He needs to know."

"I know..." 

"He should know as soon as possible. If you hold this so much longer, I'm pretty sure that he'll get mad. Maybe Jihyun will take some time for him to get used to it." she took a deep breath. "He needs to know what's the best for his sister. If you've chosen this as your best, you need his support. He's your brother. Your blood-related brother."

"Jiyoon-sshi, don't worry. Choose the right time for it, and give him some time. I believe everything is gonna be alright." 

I smiled back at her. "Thank you, auntie. I'll try my best to tell him about this soon,"

"Oh, by the way... can I know why Minho suddenly disappeared... ten years ago? Like... all of a sudden we lost contact with him and we couldn't keep up with any of his news when he was a trainee...? Do you have any reasonable answer for it?"


Ah, sure.

I got no idea about it.

I'd never think about what really happened long time ago - what really happened when he made a sudden leave.

And for sure, I had never asked him about that.

"I... I haven't asked him about it..." 

"What?" she asked. "For sure? Jiyoon, I swear you need to know the reason at the first place. And why he keeps his mouth shut about this situation? He is the one who supposed to state the truth about everything so there's nothing hidden between two of us, if she really loves you."

I agreed with that.

"Maybe he'll tell me later, when he's ready?" I tried to squeeze a smile but I realized my aunt could read my expression right away. She knew I was puzzled at the moment.

"Make sure you ask him about it. Either it's a good or bad reason, at least he should be honest about it. You guys aren't kids anymore, so you should be more open towards each other. Try to make him speak out about it,"

I nodded, "Thanks auntie, I'll ask him-" before someone pulled the doorknob.

"We're home!" my uncle stepped inside with two plastic bags on his hands. "Since we're going to have a feast tonight!"



I smiled at his text. I'd notified him that I'll leave for two days to visit my aunt and uncle. He knew both of them very well too. 

I remember the way he was chased with my aunt because he sneaked into the house to give me a birthday gifts, about twelve years ago.

yes, i can't sleep hehe

been thinking about me, isnt? <3

Flirty boi.

kinda. i miss u, mango boi <3

cant wait to meet u when i come backkk

hehe its a must~

anyway, it's late, u need to sleep now, my command >:(

dream of me too, its a command also!

okie sergeant, nightnight!

I turned off my phone before putting it on the side. It was already 1 a.m., everyone had fallen asleep. Jihyun, who was sleeping next to me was sleeping soundly, just like a baby.

Yes, he's still my no. 1 babie.

I crawled closer to him, tucking strand of hair behind his ear. I pecked on his forehead, smiling. "I love you,"

Suddenly, he murmured, "I love you too."

"I thought you're asleep-"


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