chapter thirteen ; depends

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It was weird.

Super weird.

Jihyun released a deep sigh. He smashed his body on the sofa, looking up to the ceiling. Without You by NCT U was playing through the speaker from another room, seemed like someone else was having a vocal training. Meanwhile in this empty practice room, who was Jihyun's second home, he was all alone, laying on the sofa.

"Jihyun-ah!" suddenly Baek-ah came in, pushing the door. "I knew it. You must be here," he walked towards his friend, before taking a seat on the floor, right beside Jihyun. 

"You good?"

Jihyun only hummed in response, his eyes were covered with his left arm. "I'm too tired to do anything right now."

Baek-ah looked at Jihyun. "Mhm." he said. "Our selection is so near."

"I know."

"Then?" Baek-ah lifted an eyebrow. "Why are you acting up like this?"

Jihyun remained silent.

"I don't know what's happening between you and Minho sunbaenim, but please man, we waited for a long time for this. Our debut." he stopped for awhile. "Did he do anything bad to you before this? Are you holding any grudge on him?"

Jihyun was still on his position and responded, "Kinda."

"For real?" Baek-ah eyes widened. "What did you guys- Okay nah. I'm not going to ask you what happened, but I'm all ears to listen whenever you want me to." 

"I'm sorry for putting you in this kind of situation, Baek-ah. I didn't mean to do so." Jihyun said, he changed his position, sitting on the sofa. "I don't want you to have a bad impression towards him. Maybe... I'll tell you about what happened... but not now. For now, let me hold the pressure all by myself. I can handle this nonsense, no worries."

"He's going to be one of our judges for the selection. So, do your best man." Baek-ah said. "I know it might be hard, but yeah. Let's make it professional. He might do the same, though." he patted his friend's shoulder. "I know you can do this. Let's do the best for our next classes, okay?"

"Thanks for understanding, Baek-ah."


have you eaten?

It was a message from him. I smiled widely as the message appeared on the screen. Agressively, my fingers typed a short response for him.

yes, hbu?

nope. but i'll have it later.

your brother seems to be spacing out today.

is he okay?


He seemed fine now. Ever since I picked him up from the studio, he just fell asleep in the car. When we reached home, we even ate dinner together like nothing happened. 

what's wrong?

he had a session with me today.

he seemed to not enjoying it. 


i thought that i could see him rapping in front 

of me today, since everyone told me that he's so
good in it

but he didn't.

i see.

That was my response. It was so short, yet I believed that Minho knew what I meant. I leant my back on the chair, looking down on the conversation. He was typing.

i'm going to be one of the judges
for his selection

i believe that he knew it earlier...

i hope that he can do it professionally

next time, i'm worried that he can't make
it to next stage :/

he trained so long for this...


i don't blame you on this but

you know...

i understand. it's okay.

let's just pray that he's going to do 
well next time. i'm pretty sure that he 

can do it.

maybe he needs some time to stick
with it. but at least he tried to do so.

i know him well. 

yeah. that one type boy that will nevergive up :> that's my brother.

We bid farewell to each other before I turned off my phone. The television wasn't able to attract me anymore, instead I fell into my own thoughts. 

Everything was so clear in my mind - when Jihyun was casted by a lady when I wanted to pick him up from school. He accepted her invitation without thinking much, telling me that the lady was so bold, so he got interested. Not long after that, we received a call from someone, telling that they were from SM Entertainment.

This young kid went to the audition for the company, he did some simple dance and sang a rap song right in front of Yunho from TVXQ. Luckily, he passed the audition and now, Bae Jihyun is a trainee under the big company, SM. The same company as Minho's.

When he was young, he wasn't even thinking about being an idol, but right after he got accepted, he wasn't able to stop thinking about it. Performing on stages, getting so much loves from fans, getting people attention from all over the world... It was so amazing for him. No wonder how he got accepted, everyone couldn't deny how gorgeous he is. 

I pursued him to accept the offer, even though he was going to decline it - just because he was going to be on the same company with Minho, but I told him to just go with it. It took me weeks to convince him just to go on with it. 

And now the time had come. He was going to have interactions with someone that he really wanted to avoid. 


I massaged my forehead gently. He was so near to his success, only a few steps left before he will be able to debut. 

God, now it only depends on him. 


woohoo it's been months since my last update. i'm sorry for taking so much time. :( also, minho's comeback is so near! can't wait for our marine boy to come back hehe

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