chapter four ; believe

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"Thank you for the food," Jihyun put the chopsticks aside and stood up. "I want to go somewhere, if anything happens I will call you." he said before leaving me in the kitchen. 

"What happened with that kid lately?" I frowned. 

After I'd picked him from the studio yesterday, he was acting strange. Somehow I was expecting that he was pressured during the training. Or he was just tired with dancing. I didn't want to bother him - I know sometimes this kid deserves to do something alone since he's already a grown up man.

I wish that everything will be just fine.


Jihyun put on his earphone and played some random Western songs on his ears. He walked on the pathways, under the fallen dry leaves. It was calming, but his mind was not going to be that calm since the incident that happened yesterday.

"Tell your sister that I still love her."

 "Tell her that I miss her so bad. And don't forget to call me as soon as possible,"

Fuck off.

Is that find to have a senior who is loving her sister in the same building, same company? And he need to practice under him? 

Luckily people don't even know about the relationship since it happened before his debut. He remembered every moments clearly - and it was a heartbreaking thing to remember how much her sister cried all night, waiting for him to come back like he'd promised before. What the hell.

He jumped on an iron barrier and sat on it, while his eyes were looking on the road, that was busy with vehicles from nowhere. 

And every single moments that her sister shared with him were just too clear like a video player - in his mind.

From their first meet, until their last meet. 


May, 2006.

"Is that a new student in this school?" some noisy students were busy whispering, but their whispers were loud enough to be heard. 

"Yes, I've never seen her before. Where did she come from? Which school?" 

"I don't know. But I heard that she lost her parents in an accident, so that's why she's moving since she's living with someone else,"

Minho's hand had stopped writing. He was about to go home late to finish his Physics homework, but he was getting distracted by those whispers from the girls who were walking nearby. 

When they left, he looked at the girl that the students were talking about - A girl with a ponytail was sitting alone on a bench near the field - that was not too far from his table. 

And she's beautiful.

He closed the Physics book and slowly walked towards the girl, without any doubts. He walked nearer and said, "Hi!"

The girl seemed to be a little bit shocked and frightened, but slowly she replied... "Hi..."

Minho extended his hand for a handshake, "I'm Choi Minho, from class 4E,"

She replied for his handshake, "Bae... Bae Jiyoon,"

"Can I have a seat?"  The girl named Jiyoon nodded, allowing him to sit beside her. She looked awkward a little. "New student, hm?"

Jiyoon nodded. 

"I just want to befriend with you, so you don't need to worry. There's nothing to worry about, I'm not a serial killer or something..." Minho laughed. "If you do have any problems, feel free to share it with me. Don't be shy to meet me anyway," 

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