~•Chapter Fifteen•~

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"Cool, I have a writer's exam coming up in a week or two. Anyways, Hanta, Toshi, Mina, and Ochako are up for it. 'Chako says she wants to tag something as well tonight. I mean, I'm down if you are." Kaminari listed and yawned slightly. Their friendship group had originally been based off of a shared love for defacing random alleyways and sides of buildings, although now it was a true bond of friendship. Kirishima was known around town as RedRiot, Kaminari was Voltage, Mina was Acid Queen (a play-off of alien queen, since that was too recognizable from her club), Ochako was PrincessPink, Sero was BlackBandit, and Shinsou was SleepyCat. Kirishima was best known for his signature 'fists-bumping-fists' sigil and a red R with a cancel sign over it. Mina often did psychedelic designs involving an array of colors, always signing with a pink AQ. Ochako was all about promoting peace and love, and a lot of her designs were centered around the color pink. Sero only used monochrome shades, often doing desolate renditions of people in suffering scenarios. Shinsou was fond of optical illusions, and almost always featured coffee or cats in his.

"I mean, I was kinda looking forward to sleeping this evening..." Kirishima trailed off, scratching his head awkwardly. Kaminari nodded sagely and began typing almost immediately again.

"Ochako says she's cool with that, it's gonna be just a small team of her, Mina, and 'Toshi. Apparently he found this cool design online he wants to replicate with his own twist to it." Kaminari replied and Kirishima sighed in relief. Not that he didn't like to join Ochako and the others, he was just kind of tired and wanted to laze about that evening. Kaminari finally put his phone down and began to clean up his painting mess before disappearing to his room, saying that he was gonna change clothes.

Kirishima flopped down on their couch, scrolling through Instagram. His eyes widened as he came upon the girl Mina was in love with, her most recent posts being about how she was getting married and that her spouse had got her a rather impressive rock as an engagement ring. Holy shit, there's no way Mina proposed! She never goes that fast, plus she would've told me! Who the hell is Camie engaged with? Kirishima thought, curious despite himself. He debated texting Mina to confirm that she didn't propose, but thought better of it. If Mina had agreed to go to the arcade, that most likely meant she either hadn't yet seen Camie's post or was very pointedly ignoring it. Kirishima had no wishes to pop Mina's bubble if she had one and knew he'd be the first person Mina would call once she saw. Kirishima was distracted from hsi phone once Kaminari called out that he was done changing.

Kaminari bounded out of his room, strutting like a model for Kirishima, who happily fed into his friend's already-big ego. The blonde was wearing a half-tucked-in grey-and-lighter-grey striped shirt, black skinny jeans with rips, and fishnet stockings below the jeans. He also had a silver chain attached to his belt with a lil Pikachu charm on it, and he'd also put on eyeliner and mascara. Kirishima himself was wearing a dark grey (pretty much black) t-shirt and some casual grey jeans, a flannel tied around his waist and a maroon beanie atop his head, his hair down for the day. It had lost its shape after yesterday and he hadn't felt like going through the effort of styling it right before his exam.

"You look awesome, bro! No homo!" Kirishima complimented, laughing a little at the pointless 'no homo'. He was basically taken and he and Kirishima had always been just bros. Before he'd fallen for Sero and Shinsou, Kaminari had been 100% sure everyone was in love with him. Mostly because he was in love with him.

"Thanks man!" Kaminari said, flashing a smirk, as he walked to the door, keys in hand. Kirishima took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for being a passenger in Denki's car. The guy drove like there was no tomorrow, literally, and it terrified anyone who had to ride with him. 

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