~•Chapter Twelve•~

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Bakugo was about to blow this fucker's head off. Maybe literally, if he felt up for such bloodshed so early in the morning. He clenched his hands into fists, balling up whoever the hell's shirt in said fists. Kirishima's eyes flew open and for a few seconds he was worried but then he calmed down, seeing no reason to panic. Just yet, anyway.

"Bakugo? You awake?" He whispered softly, not wanting to disturb the blonde if he was, indeed, still asleep. Bakugo's eyes widened and they flew open to be met with a much too bright smile. He squinted, seeing lots of bright red and way too fucking much neon pink. Especially this early in the morning and especially with the way Bakugo's head hurt. Kirishima giggled, happy he wasn't getting yelled at just yet.

"Where the fuck am I, Shitty Hair?!" Bakugo really, really wanted to scream, but with the way his head was fucking pounding at him, that was a no-go. For possibly the rest of his life, if this migraine kept up for long. Which was unfortunate, considering his default was yelling. Kirishima's smile dimmed briefly before he brightened up considerably.

"What happened to 'sunshine'? I liked that nickname." He replied, pouting. "Anyways, you're at Momma Mina's? Don't ask me how you got here, I barely remember how I got here. You came into my reserved room drunk as hell, and we looked at the ceiling for a bit before deciding to cuddle. It was cute." Kirishima answered cheerfully yet casually, like it was normal to wake up to a guy you have a crush on after a night of literally just cuddling. Sex, Bakugo could understand, people get drunk and they make mistakes or they get horny, simple as that. But cuddling? Who the hell got drunk and decided they wanted to cuddle?! That sunshine-like ball of fluff your heart seems intent on... Nope, you need to get the hell out of here and the hell out of his life.

"Whatever, Shitty Hair, I'm leaving. See you never." Bakugo bit out curtly, shoving Kirishima away from him none-too-gently. He rolled over to his other side and clambered out of the bed, picking up his shoes once he saw them haphazardly thrown about the room. Kirishima pouted more from where he was laying on the bed, but he hadn't expected much. From what little he knew of Bakugo, the guy was brazen and loud and yes, hot, but the other two qualities outshined the former.

"Bye bye, Blasty! Text me when you get up the nerve~!" Kirishima laughed when all Bakugo did was flip him the bird before leaving the room. He sighed and rolled onto his back, happy despite the less-than-pleasant things that had happened this morning. He hadn't exactly had high hopes for Bakugo to look at it rationally, but the connection they felt was undeniable. At least, Kirishima hoped it was. He also hoped that he wasn't the only one feeling so attached so early, but he wasn't too sure about that. Kirishima had a big heart, so it wasn't much of a surprise to anyone that he fell in love easily.

With those depressing thoughts, Kirishima decided he had had too much time to sit and think and so he hopped out of bed. He was still kind of tired but knew he had an exam to take, so he grabbed his shoes and called an Uber. The Uber driver didn't question why Kirishima pretty much looked like a hot mess, especially since he'd been much too lazy to put on his shoes. He probably gets worse than me in here, Kirishima thought, giggling to himself.

The redhead soon made it back to his dorm and university, settling in for another couple hours of studying. Then one hour to relax and chill out, maybe he'd call up Denki and play some Super Smash Bros. That one hour was so he wasn't super stressed right before his exam, he'd read somewhere previously that it improved concentration and typically scores. [No idea if that's true, don't quote me on it ✌️] Knowing Denki, he would probably immediately agree and then invite Sero and Shinsou. If Shinsou played video games, Kirishima wasn't too sure about that.

Bakugo stormed out of that room, his cheeks on fire. What the hell does he mean, when I get the nerve?! I have the nerve! It's him who's a fuckin' coward! Bakugo yelled internally, anger making him see red. Wait, nope, that was just his fiance's red dress. What the fuck is it with everyone and that goddamn color?! Normally, Bakugo liked the color red, it reminded him of his enemies blood. But now, all he could think about was that stupid fucker's bright red hair and cheerful smile. Oh my god what is happening to me?! Bakugo thought, horrified. His favorite color wasn't going to get taken away just because some shitty-haired loser decided to dye his hair said color.

"-akugo! BAKUGO!" Camie yelled, snapping her fingers in front of Bakugo's face and he tried to bite it. She rolled her eyes and blew a bubble with her gum. "I've been calling your name for the last five minutes, what the hell was so puzzling you had to sit here and seethe about it for so long?" She asked in annoyance.

"Lots of shit, like why the hell everyone has to wear that goddamn color all the time. And what excuse I'm gonna give to the old hag as to why I stayed out so late." Bakugo griped, curling his hands into fists and Camie's mouth opened into an 'O'. She promptly closed it when Bakugo threatened to cut out her tongue and nodded, dragging him to his car. Which hadn't been stolen, no matter the blonde's concerns the night before.

"Wait, why can't people wear red anymore? What the heck did that color do to offend you?" Camie asked curiously, her high-pitched voice grating on Bakugo's ears. If it wouldn't get me in trouble with someone who can kill me, I would so murder this bitch. Bakugo thought, the person who could kill him being his mother, of course. After all, what's a healthy family relationship without some deep hatred between mother and son?

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