~•Chapter Nine•~

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"Bakugo?" Kirishima gaped and the blonde raised an eyebrow at him. "Ummmmm, no? My name's Monoma, and before you offer to buy me a drink or some shit, I'm with the red-haired chick over there." Monoma gestured to an auburn girl who was making conversation with a silver-haired dude, to Kirishima it looked like they were flirting. Monoma wasn't actually with Kendo, but he found it was useful when staving off advances to pretend that he was.

"Ack, I'm sorry bro! You just look like a guy I met today, I can't seem to get my mind off of him. I'm Kirishima, by the way. It's nice to meet you, Monoma!" Kirishima laughed and sighed wistfully, while Monoma raised another eyebrow. He took a sip from some fruity cocktail he had in front of himself and shrugged.

"Sounds like you like him~ You should probably text him." Monoma suggested and sighed deeply, causing Kirishima to raise an eyebrow of his own. "What's up with you, bro?" He asked, concerned. Monoma forced a smile, not wanting to alarm this nice stranger, even though alarming people was basically what he lived for. Eh, well, I need to unload and he's kind enough, so he probably will stick around and listen even if he doesn't want to. Monoma thought and took another sip of his drink before beginning his spiel.

"So, I was in a long-term relationship with this super pretty purple-haired insomniac, right? I thought things were going amazing, there weren't any warning signs, I wasn't being toxic and self-sabotaging. Then, out of nowhere! He cuts me off completely. Tells me we're better off with other people and blocks me on every social media site known to man, blocks my phone number, kicks me out of our apartment... I was planning on fucking proposing. I was going to give my entire life to this man and he threw it away like it was trash. Like I am trash." Monoma ranted and teared up, causing Kirishima to frown. He could tell Monoma was definitely more than a little tipsy, but it seemed like whoever had broken up with him was a real asshole. Kirishima offered Monoma a hug and he took it, sobbing into Kirishima's shoulder. The redhead sighed and began to carry him across the club floor to the auburn haired lady Monoma had pointed out earlier as his supposed 'date'.

"Oh, god. I better take him home, thanks for bringing him over here. Bye Tetsutetsu, it was nice hanging out!" Kendo said cheerfully and took Monoma from Kirishima with a sigh, sounding and acting like she was used to the blonde doing this. She was also rather strong for a relatively thin girl and Kirishima could appreciate the work it took to get to that strength. "Let me guess, he told you his breakup story? Yeah, it happened around six months ago, Monoma's still completely hung up on it. Which I get, I mean, he was in love, so there's that." Kendo sighed and waved to Kirishima, dragging Monoma's drunk ass out the club's door. Testutestu wandered off as well, starting up a conversation with a green-haired lady who had vine tattoos all over her body. Kirishima laughed and shook his head, going back to the bar and grabbing the drinks Aoyama handed to him.

Kirishima wandered around the club until he found Mina and Camie, who were currently making conversation with a black-haired, rich-looking lady and her emo, purple-haired girlfriend. He assumed they were together anyways, with the way the emo one was just blatantly sitting on the other's lap, smirking. The black-haired one seemed used to this treatment and had her arms wrapped around the girl's waist. Plus there was the fact that they were sharing one of Mina's 'Couples Alcoves', which were just small niches in the walls of the club where couples went if they didn't want to rent a room, usually to make out.

"Here you go, Mi, two Queena Coladas' coming right up!" Kirishima cheered happily and handed the girls their drinks. Luckily the other couple already had some drinks, so Kirishima didn't feel bad for not bringing enough for them all. Mina and Camie took them cheerfully and the other couple waved at Kirishima.

"Hi, I'm Momo and this is my girlfriend, Jirou." The black-haired one introduced them politely and Kirishima giggled. "I'm Kirishima! It's nice to meet you guys, you seem super manly!" Kirishima complimented and when the two looked confused, Mina explained that 'manly' was Kirishima's default compliment for reasons nobody knows.

Shorter chapter than usual, sorry! I just wanted to get it out lolV


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