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I don't know what it was that came over me, it didn't even feel like she wanted to kiss me in the first place. Or maybe my head wants me to think that, I think I need a blunt, and fast. I ran down the steps and spotted the guys rolling up. I sat on the couch next to Stephen.

"Damn, I see this girl really gets under your skin." Kane said lighting it up and taking a puff out of it and passing it on to Sincere.

I gave him a stern look that clearly said "fuck off"

"Hey man, she's breaking you." He said putting his hands up in surrender. " I told your hardheaded ass to get rid of her when you had the chance." He said a little louder.

"Yea man what happen to Bros over hoes." Sincere said blowing smoke through his nose and passing it to Stephen.

"Oh but it's ok for you to have somebody but when it comes to me, it's a fucking problem?"

"Carter isn't a hoe though."

"And neither is Bates!"

"Oh so you admit that you like her." Stephen said.

I looked at Stephen and then at everyone else shaking my head. "I didn't say I liked her." I said while Stephen passed it to me and I inhaled deeply not letting it go just yet.

"So why haven't you gotten rid of her yet?" Kane said. I exhaled all the smoke out of my nose looking at him like he just pushed the wrong button AGAIN. But he's right, why haven't I let her go yet? I don't like her like that.

"Yes you do.You can't stand the fact that you need her by your side." The voice in the back of my head said.

I got mad all over again. I stood up and through the blunt on Stephens lap. "oh shut the fuck up."

The guys laughed while Stephen stood up quickly brushing off his pants. "damn man you ain't have to throw the shit on me."

I slammed the door that leads to the backyard closed and pulled at my hair out of frustration. Why do people always say shit? Stay out of my fucking business I don't need anything from you, I don't want their opinion. I took a blunt out of my back pocket and lit it up breathing in a huge hint of the smoke and exhaling it slowly. Oh how I needed this.

"Why so stressed honey?" I heard Candy's voice and I smirked knowing that a good fuck would take my mind off things. I turned around and started to make out with her roughly and she moaned against my mouth.

"Let's take this upstairs." I whispered, wrapped her legs around my waist and gripped her ass tightly as I took her up to her room, since Bates was in mine, ignoring all those annoying comments from the guys. Once we were in her room I dropped her on the bed. "Take all that shit off now!" I rushed her as I took off my clothes too. I didn't have time for foreplay and knowing the hoe Candy is she might be dripping wet by now, so once we were both naked I thrust into her fast and hard and did what I do best...fuck Candy into oblivion.

'You should be ashamed.'

Shut up! I groaned and rubbed my temple before taking another hint of my second blunt after fucking Candy. This voice inside of me, I think people call it conscience, has been bothering me with moral shit since I finished with Candy.

'You kiss Bates then go and fuck Candy. You fuck with her head, you confused her.'

I lit up the blunt. Shut the fuck up you don't know anything.

'The fuck Man! I'm you, you are me. I know everything.'

I could almost picture my smirk in that voice.

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