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I threw myself over Doe, somehow trying to protect her from the explosion. I could feel the heat on my back, it was bearable but it was more of a sting. The smoke surrounded our bodies along with what was left from the hide out, my home. The only place where I felt I belonged to, where I knew I was okay.

Once I knew we were out of danger I stood up pulling her up too. Anger boiled in my veins and pumped through them. I walked up to Stephen and he looked down knowing what I had in mind.

"Go get the stuff."

"Man, chill out."

"Go. Get. The fucking. Stuff." Stephen sighed and went to his car to get the stuff before getting in the car. I looked at Doe. "You are staying here."

"The fuck?! I'm not staying here!" She ran to the car and got in. I rolled my eyes and just let her come cause I wasn't in the mood for this. We all got into our cars and drove off, Doe and I, Sincere and Carter, Stephen and Candy and the rest were driving alone. They took the most important thing in my life, away from me and they are gonna pay the price.

We arrived back to pay a visit to these pussy bitches, but I guess god hates me because they were no where to be found. I got over heated again, so I kicked over the table that was in the middle of the floor over screaming 'FUCK' we all walked out and somebody beeped a horn, we looked to the direction of the horn and the bastard that gave me the suit case had a smirk upon his face. He put his index and middle finger up to his forehead throwing out a salute. And they all sped off. We all ran back into our cars and we sped off after them. Doeneseya fastened her seat belt as I drifted turning the corner. I watched In the mirror as my crew followed behind. I was damn near behind the guy. I stepped on the gas going faster then usual and I bumped him seeing his head go forward, not realizing that he turned, a wall was right in front of me.

"Justin!!!" Doe yelled.

"Shit." I whispered as I pulled the stick back turning the wheel all the way around and making it drift just missing the wall, I swerved passed three cars, left and right just to catch up to him again.

Third Point Of View

Justin yelled for Doe to get the stuff from the back seat floor, she struggled a little but got it. She knew exactly what to do and she wanted to show Justin that she wasn't worthless in anything. She didn't know why she wanted to prove Justin that she wasn't just a waste of time but she did. She took out the two guns and loaded them up, she gave one to him and she took one also. For some reason the other guys that were in front slowed down. Two of the cars sliding down on each side of Justin's car.

"Justin!!" Doe yelled getting scared at the moment. They both pointed guns at them. Justin's focus wasn't on the two guys but Doe was. He pulled the stick forward and then back pressing on the gas, he turned the wheel making him go around the left car backwards as they shot at each other, both of the cars swerved and crashed as Justin continued to drive backwards.

Kane on the other hand had one of the guys behind him, he came towards the side of the jet black car and bumped him hard making him swerve. Kane bumped his car into the black car again which made the guy crash into another car that was driving towards him.

Justin didn't see the rest of the crew behind him so he just continued on his own, the only person that kept up was Kane. He smirked and turned his car around doing a 180 having his car fully turned around. They both caught up to him, Justin was behind him and did a drift into a 180 again which caused him to slide in front of the car. Justin was still driving but driving backwards again. The guy pulled out his gun and shot through the glass but missed, Justin did the same with his gun having his glass shatter into peices but shooting him in his shoulder. The guy lost control of the car having a car that was coming near him hit the back tip of his car and making him swerve. He stopped just in time before he hit the wall of the building.

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