Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

400 17 11

Demi lovato- warrior


It was silent. The kind of silent that you wouldn't want. It's like that horror movie type of silent, like somebody is going to pop up out of no where and scare the hell out of me. I mean at least I wasn't alone ya know? Well I felt like I was because I didn't even know this guy or what he's capable of. He looked oddly familiar, like he looks like somebody, but I just can't put my finger on it. I felt him staring at me. I turned my head, our eyes met. I cleared my throat and looked away.

"So does Nani know what's going on?" He asked without hesitation.

My eyes widened. Nani? Oh Shit how can I be so fucking stupid. I know I know I have a potty mouth but who cares. I looked at him. And I know you guys are probably wondering why is it such a shocker to me. It's because I haven't really seen or met her brother. When we were at the party I was hoping I would meet him since it was his party but I guess not. I looked at him.

"Stephen?" I asked him not really to sure.

"Yea, nice to finally meet you." He said giving me a warm smile.

I returned the smile. "You to."

"So? Does she know?" He said raising his eyebrows at me.

"No,obviously not." I said not realizing how I said it. I looked at him quickly and his eyebrows were crunched together. "I'm so sorry, it's a force of habit, I- um" I stuttered trying to let out the right words.

He laughed a little. "Hey, it's fine, I understand." He said looking forward.

"You remind me so much like Nani."

He looked at me and I looked at him. " Well I wouldn't be surprised she's my best friend." I smiled up at him.

He just looked at me and then looked straight without emotion.

"Well let's keep it like that, she doesn't need to know anything, so don't go to her running your mouth." He said finally locking eyes with me. " Got it short stuff?"

"My name is Doeneseya, so use it." I said crossing my arms over my chest catching an attitude that could get me in trouble. I laughed in my head. What the fuck? What is he my dad?

"Yea well I like short stuff better." I said licking his lips.

I swear these niggas have a temper worst then a female. Wasn't he just all happy and smiles just a minute ago? I don't even know why I'm so surprised anyway. Justin is the same way. I jumped at the fact that Stephen had sat up so quickly. He clicked the button on the chip and said "cliff is walking in now."

I snapped my head. "What are you guys doing to him?" I asked really curious, why would they come all the way to some guys house at one in the morning unless they were up to something really bad.Then again I can't sit here and jump to conclusions Or maybe I can.

"It's business," he said still looking out the window finally getting a reply from Justin saying "copy that."

I just sighed deeply and rested my elbow on the arm of the door with my chin in the palm of my hands. After a while I started to drift off to sleep because lord knows I needed it. I just wished I was in my bed.

An hour past and I've woken up with a vibration at the side of my head. My eyes popped open and my heart was racing like I was just running a mile. I groaned and opened my eyes a little grabbing my phone swiping my finger across and putting it to my ear.

"Come open the door." I heard Nani's voice ring through the phone but before I could answer she hung up on me. I sat up on my bed looking around in a familiar room.

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