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(Lexie POV)

I drove to L.A last night. Today was the day of the funeral. I was wearing a black dress and black flats. I drove up to the graveyard and I see a yellow, purple, blue and black car. I park behind the black car and I step out. All I could hear was the beating of my own heart in that moment. I sit next to Mia and she hugs me tightly and I start to let out little cries as does she. I see there are three pictures. There is one of Letty sitting in Dom's lap, one of me when I was a baby being held in Letty's arms, and one taken just last week of Letty and I. "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit." The priest says. "Amen." We all say. "We have her sister. Ms. Alexis Ortiz to say a few words." The priest says and I swallow getting nervous. "Oh." I say and I stand up and I go towards the podium. "Um hi, my name is Alexis Ortiz. Letty's sister. Letty was an amazing sister, she took care of me when I was sick and tired, and when I would get bullied. She taught me how to drive she taught me everything I needed to know. Now we all need to let her go. She was and always will be my ride or die, just never expected this trip to end so fast." I say while tears stream down my face. "Sleep well hermana." I say kissing the casket and I walk back to my seat and I sit down. "Thank you Alexis." The priest says and I nod.

(Time Skip)

I spent some time with my family as we mourned over my sister. "You think you'll be okay?" Mia questions as I head to my car. I shake my head as a no. "But I will be, eventually." I say and Mia nods. She pulls me for a hug and we both let a few tears out. "I love you." Mia says. "Love you too." I say and we break apart from the hug. "I'll see you again Mia." I say. "See you soon Lexie." She says. I get in my car and I watch as Mia walks away, once she does I completely break. I start sobbing uncontrollably. "Why did you have to go Letty?" I question while crying. 

(Time Skip)

I drove home, or well back to my apartment. I unlocked the door and kicked off my shoes. It was already past midnight and I sighed and sat on the couch. I feel my phone ring and I picked it up. "Hello?" I question. "Did you make it back yet?" Spencer questions and I laugh. "About five minutes ago, why?" I question. "Just wondering how it was, but based on the strain in your voice, I'm guessing it was awful." Spencer says and I sigh. "It was." I say. "Care to share?" He questions. "Not even my parents showed up." I say. "I get it, they abandoned us but at least show up for your daughter's funeral." I say frustrated. "I bet they won't even show up for mine if I die." I say. "Don't say that." Spencer says. "That what? They won't show up? I mean they left when I was 3 and Letty was 11, but still." I say. "No, don't say you'll die, because when you do they won't even be alive." Spencer says. I smile. "Thanks Reiders." I say. "Well, have to go, have to check in tomorrow." I say and Spencer laughs. "Alright, night Lex." He says. "Night Reiders." I say and I hang up.

A/N: I know really short, but this is more of a filler chapter.

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