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(Lexie POV)

I woke up to darkness. I felt someone yank something off my head and I wake up with a light shining on my face. "Hello love." A British accent says and a man with black hair and a slight moustache comes into view. "Who are you?" I question my voice cold but raw. "I'm Luke, Luke Shaw." He says and I glare at him. "What do you want?" I question harshly. "A little game. That's all this is love." (Peter Pan who) Luke says and I glare at him but he then reveals a table with a wide variety of weapons. My eyes widen and I see a small camera on the corner of the room. "Say hi to your little friends." He says and he grabs a small dagger and he stabs my side and I scream.

I felt a searing pain in my side and I slump in my chair. "I'll be back tomorrow love. Don't try getting to your sister, she doesn't even know who you are." Luke says and he leaves. I let it all loose and I start crying, from the pain physically and mentally. 

(3rd Person POV)

The BAU team was watching the footage. Garcia was full on crying, Hotch and Rossi were tearing up, Morgan, JJ, and Emily let a few tears loose, and Spencer was crying almost as much as Garcia. They watched as her blood was on the ground and he tears were soaking the floor. They needed to get her back, and get her back fast.

(Time Skip)

It's been a few days, I was bruised and battered. "Alright love, I have a little friend for you." Luke says and he unties me from the chair and I fall onto the ground, weak in the knees and breathing heavily. One of Luke's henchman shoved someone in and I recognized them. "M-Mia." I say and her eyes wide as she crawls towards her. "Oh my god, Lexie." Mia says and she holds me close as I start coughing. "No come on Lexie, you can do this." She says as she rubs my head. I nod and I start to cry. 

After a few hours we were shoved out of the room and two henchman held us so we wouldn't escape. There was a phone held up to us. "Mia?" Brian questions. "Brian!" Mia and I shout and our mouths were covered and we were shoved back into the room. I sunk down against the wall and I started crying. 

(3rd Person POV)

"We have to find her!" Spencer exclaims. "Spencer we get it, you guys are best friends and it's hard-" JJ was cut off as Spencer looked over. "It's not just that...I love her. I'll never get the chance to tell her because she's gone. Please just help me find her." Spencer says almost desperately. Morgan and JJ look shocked. "Y-You love her?" JJ questions and Spencer nods. "We need to find her." Spencer says.

(Lexie POV)

It's been a few hours, Mia and I were bagged and we were driven someplace, but because of the noise I would assume it was a plane. We were taken to a separate section and the bags were taken off. Mia and I hear voices and Mia crawls over. "Dom!" She screams and I see Dom look over. "Brian get the girls." Dom says and I try standing up but I fall back down weakly. "She needs a hospital." Mia says worriedly. She lifts me up with the help of Brian, we then go to the open door. "They'll catch you." Mia says and I nod weakly. I jump and I land in the car.

We continued driving but then the whole plane was brought down and I watched as it lit up in flames. "Dom!" Letty screams and I start to panic slightly. The plane finally stopped and so did the cars. Letty jumped out and I slowly got out. I watched as Letty looked into the fire, but a figure approached and  knew it was Dom. I let out a sigh in relief as I watched Letty run up to Dom and kiss him. I felt really light headed all of a sudden and I fell backwards. "Lexie!" Mia shouted.

(3rd Person POV)

Mia ran over to Lexie who was passed out on the ground. Letty and Dom rushed over. "No. No!" Mia screams. "She needs a hospital." Brian says and Dom nods. They get in one of the cars and Letty watches Lexie. "Why does she seems familiar to me?" Letty questions Dom. "I would hope she seemed familiar, she's your little sister." Dom says and Letty's eyes fill with sadness, knowing she almost killed her sister. Eventually they made it to a hospital and they brought Lexie in. "We need a doctor!" Brian shouts and a few nurses come over. "What happened?" A nurse questions. "Blood loss." Mia states and they take Lexie.

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