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(Lexie POV)

It's been a few days since the vacation with Spencer. We were not really declared as a couple yet, but secret relationships always fascinated me and I was kind of happy to be apart of this one. It was night and I was sitting at my desk as Spencer was doing his work. "Let's have a movie night." Spencer says and I turn to him. "Yeah?" I question. "Yeah. You choose." Spencer says and I smile. "The Breakfast Club." I say and Spencer raises a brow. "Never watched it." Spencer says and I gasp mockingly. "Why I never." I say and Spencer chuckles. I noticed Emily walking by, her usually straight black hair was a mess and he eyes were puffy. "Hold on." I say and I walk to Emily. "Emily, what happened?" I question. "A good friend of mine died." She says and I pull her in a hug and she hugs back tightly. "If you need anyone or anything. I'm always here." I say and she nods trying to give a weak smile but I could tell she couldn't. I give her shoulder a squeeze and I walk back to where Spencer was, he was holding our bags. "Thanks Reiders." I say and I kiss his cheek.

(The Next Day)

I woke up with a call from Spencer. "Hotch needs us to come in early." Spencer says and I nod. I get up and get dressed in a black short-sleeved shirt, and blue jeans. I walk out, grab my keys and I see Spencer waiting for me. "Come on." He says and I smile. I get in the passenger seat and he drives us to the BAU unit.

Once we get there we are rushed to the conference room where Hotch was, we walked in with everyone else. "Thanks for coming in early." Hotch says. "Where's Morgan And Prentiss?" JJ questions. "They're at the morgue examining this man, Matthew Benton, a friend of Emily's. She believes that his death May be connected to that man's." Hotch says and he hands me my file as Rossi reads off of his. "Thomas Valentine. Dehydration? Did she know him?" Rossi questions. "No, but Benton seemed to think that someone was after both of them." Hotch says. "Wait. One death was a heart attack. The other was from dehydration." Spencer says. "What's the connection?" I question. "I don't know if there is one." Hotch says. "Are the police investigating?" JJ questions. "No. Right now, we're just, uh, helping a colleague." Hotch says. "So we talk to the families, see if there's anything suspicious." Rossi says. "Is Emily ok?" JJ and I question. "I don't know. That's why I sent Morgan to go with her." Hotch says. We were then driven to the Benton residence. 

"I don't understand why the FBI. Is interested in our son's death." Mrs. Benton says. "We were investigating another death recently under similar circumstances, and we just wanted To make sure that there's no connection." Hotch says. "He suffered a heart attack." Mrs. Benton says. "It's just routine." Isay. "Well, there's nothing routine about investigating a heart attack." Mrs. Benton says. "Andrea, it's ok. I assume your investigation is drug-related." Mr. Benton says. "We're just trying to rule out foul play." Hotch says as Mrs. Benton walks away. "May we come in?" Hotch questions. "Of course." Mr. Benton says and we were taken inside. 

We walk into Matthew's room and I smell incense. "Do you mind my asking if you've been burning incense?" I question. "After Matthew died, I burned some in the room to cleanse it." Mrs. Benton says. "So he was living here with you?" JJ questions. "We were hoping he could turn his life around. We were in New York For the weekend, and when we came back, we found his body here." Mr. Benton says. "My son's soul was In the possession of evil." Mrs. Benton says. "Do you have any experience dealing with Drug addiction?" Mr. Benton questions. "We see a lot of it through our work." I say. "Well, it's an impossible thing to watch happen to someone you love." Mr. Benton says. "Were you aware that in the days before he died, Matthew thought someone was going to kill him?" Hotch questions. "Where did you hear that?" Mr. Benton questions. "One of our team members, Agent Prentiss." JJ says. "Emily Prentiss?" Mrs. Benton questions. "Yes, ma'am." I say. "She's the reason you're here?" Mr. Benton questions. "We'd like you both To leave. Now." Mrs. Benton says and we leave. 

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