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The feud between the Russians and the Italians had been going on for weeks. It started after the Russians' successful business deal in Sicily that led them to want to stay. There were no problems when everyone thought the Russians were merely visiting. But when Leonid announced the Russians' permanence, the Martelli family made it clear that they were not welcome.

Leonid spit on the steps as he came upon the entrance to the headquarters of the most powerful Italian mafia on the island. He never imagined that he would step foot in the extravagant mansion that belonged to his enemy, but he needed to meet with Don Martelli if he wanted his men in Sicily. After all, the business there was good when Martelli's men weren't sabotaging it. Earlier that week, one of Leonid's best men took a bullet in the shoulder during an exchange. If they couldn't come to some sort of agreement, more Russians would be injured, or worse.

Martelli's associates led Leonid to Don Martelli's office with swift efficiency. The floors throughout the corridors were tiled with white marble that was so pristine someone would slip with one step if they wore only socks.  Modern paintings made by the brightest artists of the decade embellished the cool grey walls.

The office of Luciano Martelli held a more dated look compared to the rest of the mansion. From floor to ceiling the entire room was enclosed by wood. Dark oak wood floors were partially covered by an ornate rug and each wall was hidden behind full length wooden bookshelves or cabinets. His desk stood near the back of the room with his chair behind it and two leather seats in front of it paired with a coffee table in between. Seeing the bottles of aged scotch and brandy in the corner made Leonid wish that he could have a drink to help him get through this meeting.

Luciano shot a disinterested glance at Leonid upon hearing the door open. He looked back to his previous work as he spoke. "Have a seat, Leonid. Tell me why you've come."

Leonid would've rolled his eyes had the man in front of him not demanded so much respect. Luciano knew exactly what Leonid wanted to talk about, but that didn't stop him from acting like Leonid owed him an explanation. "I'm here because your family has been terrorizing my men. It's disrupting our business and I need it to stop."

It was hardly Leonid's place to make demands. That didn't matter in the mafia world. The only way to get a mafia boss' attention and respect was by being assertive and direct with a request. This proved to be true as Luciano set aside his papers.

"The family finds your presence near our territory to be a nuisance for business as well. You arrived here a month ago and somehow you believe that you have some sort of claim to the island. My family's business has been operating here for two centuries and we don't like to share with thieves."

"Of course, I understand. It doesn't have to be a competition though. We don't mean your business any harm and we don't want any trouble. I think that we could work together to benefit us both. I'll do anything to stop your men terrorizing mine. Just name your price."

"I'm not interested in your money. You don't think I have enough of my own?"

Leonid racked his brain for what he could possibly offer the man who had hundreds of associates at his feet and a mansion large enough it could've filled an entire island if it weren't on Sicily.

"There must be something else I can do for you."

Luciano placed his chin on his hand. He sat deep in thought for a few seconds as he weighed his options. Leonid subtly held his breath in wait for him to say no. "Actually, there might be something you can offer me. I believe you have what is more precious than any euro."

"I have no idea what you're referring to."

The two men stared at each other, Leonid with desperate eyes and Luciano with hungry ones. Though both were powerful men, Luciano had the upper hand this time, and he planned on taking every advantage. He wanted to take the most valuable thing that Leonid owned.

"Your daughter."

Leonid faltered for a second. No one was supposed to even know that he had a daughter. He kept her identity hidden from everyone outside of his immediate household. The only people that knew of her were her guards, maids, and Leonid's right hand man. Like a curtain closing in front of the theater stage, Leonid shielded his worries and confusion. This was no place to be showing his weakness.

"I don't understand what you would want with my daughter." There was no use in denying it. That would only cause Luciano to desire her more. "As far as I'm aware, you've never seen her before."

"No, I haven't. That doesn't matter. From what I hear, Katerina received her beauty from her mother." That much was true. Rina had inherited her mother's soft oval face and thin almond eyes, which gave her a delicate look of sweetness. While she didn't receive her father's sharp chin or his thick eyebrows, she had the same dark brown hair that he had when he was young and shared his icy blue eyes. "As you know, it's a tradition for Italians to pass down their positions in the family business to the next of kin. It's time that I have a son. I want to take Katerina as my wife."

"I won't allow that. You can't have my daughter." Leonid protested. Rina was his only child. He had done everything he could throughout her life to keep her safe. To keep her out of the grips of the Russian mafia. He could no longer protect her if he handed her over to the cruel man behind the desk. She wouldn't be better off with the Italians. Her blood was Russian.

"Actually, I can. With or without your blessing, she will be mine because I will stop at nothing to have her. If you don't give Katerina up willingly, I will kill every single one of your thieves until I have her. This is my territory and I don't need your permission to do as I please."

"Why Katerina? Certainly there are many other women who would volunteer to give you a child."

The argument was weak in Luciano's eyes. He had his heart set on Katerina and nothing would deter him from her. Once he found out that the Russian mob boss had a daughter, he foresaw more opportunities than one. "I don't have to share with you my reasons for why it has to be her. I will tell you that any other woman couldn't give me the satisfaction of taking away something that's dear to you."

"I respect that you want to punish me. If all you need is an heir from your family business, my daughter will give you an heir. But she comes back to me. She won't stay with you after you have what you want."

"No. That deal isn't good enough. It can't be temporary. Katerina will be mine and I will have her indefinitely."


Luciano cut him off sharply. He was losing his patience with the Russian. Leonid would need to make a sacrifice if he wanted to coexist among the Italian families. "You're not in a position to negotiate with me. The way I see it, Russians don't belong in Sicily. You were supposed to leave once you finished your business with Mauro. If you don't hand over your daughter to me, I will drive every man that is of Russian blood into the Tyrrhenian Sea to drown. Do you understand my terms?"

"If Katerina marries you, the Bratva can work here in peace?"

"That is the deal. You have my word that my associates will not touch your men, unless further provoked. It will be effective immediately once I have your agreement."

Leonid took a moment to swallow. Rina would never go along with this for the sake of her father. She would hate him for agreeing to trade her for the good of the business. Leonid nearly hated himself for allowing her to be brought into his business dealings.

"We have a deal." Leonid rose from his leather seat and shook hands with Luciano from across the desk. Now that he sold the part of his soul that held Katerina, his throat dried and his lips cracked. He could barely form the dreaded question. "When will the wedding be?"

"This Saturday."

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