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"Just leave the food outside the door," I called out in response to the knock on my door. Since it was late in the afternoon, I suspected Carlotta was here to bring over my lunch. After Luciano assaulted me yesterday, I had returned to eating my meals in my bedroom.

    I missed the ability to roam around the mansion without having to look over my shoulder. When Luciano left the island last week, I realized the confines of the mansion weren't exactly the problem. I still viewed it as a prison, but what really bothered me was the warden.

    Several more taps sounded as the person continued knocking on my door. "I said you can leave the food out there, please."

    The doorknob began to rattle, but the door didn't open because I had locked it. If Carlotta was the one at my door, she wouldn't try to come in. She respected my wishes to be left in private. Since the workers at the mansion generally minded their own business, there was only one person who could be at my door.

    "Go away!"

    No answer. Luciano continued to jostle the doorknob until he pushed against the door. It shook from the hinges as his body slammed against it. I backed myself closer to my headboard and brought my knees to my chest. It did little to brace me for the door swinging into the room. Luciano had busted the lock.

    I drew in a shaky breath as I caught sight of him. Despite all his pounding against the door, not a drop of sweat touched his brow. Even his breathing was calm and steady.

    Luciano met my eyes before gesturing his hand out, "You could use a new lock."

    "I might need several in order to keep you out."

    "This behavior needs to end. I've respected your space as much as possible, but this is my house and you won't stop me from going anywhere I want," he said.

    I gave him an incredulous look. "Like you can make places off limits for me? We're married so this should be our house, not just yours. Besides, I wouldn't call what happened yesterday in the woodshop you 'respecting my space.'"

    Luciano stepped through the doorway, moving to the side of my bed. My back pressed further into the headboard. There was no other way to put more distance between us. I had nowhere else to go.

    "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

    "There's nothing you can say to make me forgive you for hurting me." I turned my head away. If puppy dog eyes surfaced on his handsome face, I wasn't confident in my ability to remain uncompromising.

    But Luciano couldn't let it go. No would never be an acceptable answer for him. He took a seat on the edge of my bed. "I didn't mean to hurt you. When I saw you there, after I told you to stay away, I lost control."

    I slapped my hands onto the bed. The covers muted the sound of the impact, but it felt good to hit something nonetheless. "That's your problem, Luciano. You think everything needs to be under your control, and when something doesn't go your way, you can't handle it. When are you going to realize I'm not something you can control?"

    "Katerina," Luciano choked on my name, "I'm sorry. I never intended for anything like this to happen."

    "No." I shook my head. "Words can't fix this, not after all that's happened. You've gone too far."

    "Do you even realize how hard it is for me to say that? I never apologize to anyone."

    "Well, it's time you start taking accountability for your actions. Our marriage may have been doomed from the start, but you've made it worse at every opportunity."

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