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It didn't matter how many times I read the first line. Five times, ten, twenty. I still failed to comprehend the words on the page. My mind was far from the book I held in my hands. The book could've been written in Italian for how little the words meant to me.

I could've kept reading as if I had processed that line and perhaps it would've made no difference. Not every single word in a book is essential to understanding the plot. Yet my head fell back onto the arm of the sofa, struggling to continue on.

Earlier, I had Luciano in position to be more vulnerable than he had been in a long time. That's why he ran. He hadn't let anyone get so close to the man he is without the drugs and guns and the money. This afternoon wasn't the end of our marriage, but how could we keep moving forward if he refused to reveal his true self to me.

The book leaned up against my propped up knees as I sat on the sofa in the mansion's library with my feet on the cushions. The likelihood of running into Luciano was slim after he went into his office to distance himself from me. Even so, I couldn't take any chances of running into him. The library provided a perfect hiding spot for me.

The only downside of the library was how quiet it was. Most days, I found the quiet to be peaceful. The silence, however, made it impossible for me to push my thoughts aside. The last thing I wanted was for the events from earlier to be replaying in my head. I thought the books would allow me to get away from reality for a moment, instead I could not focus on anything.

It took every bit of willpower I had not to throw the book across the room. I might've actually done it if Luciano hadn't entered at that very second.


I sunk further onto my back and covered my face with the book. "She died."

"That's a shame. I'm really going to miss my overdramatic wife." I couldn't see him, but I heard the floorboards creak under his weight as he moved across them. I listened to his footsteps nearing until he stopped and I sensed him looming over me.

I slid the book down just far enough that  I could meet his eyes whilst remaining half hidden. "Me? Overdramatic?"

"There she is." Luc's mouth curved upwards in an instant. He moved to the end of the couch opposite to where my head rested. He lifted my legs so he could sit and set them on top of his lap. "How are you feeling?"

"Not good."

"I'm sorry about earlier."

The book covering my lower face had become ridiculous. There was no point in trying to hide from him. I pulled it away and set it on the ground, sitting up to face him better. "Are you?"

"Yes. I want to let you in, share everything about myself with you, but that's easier said than done. Could you please offer me a little more patience? I haven't been in a serious relationship since I took the Don position."

"Yet you've still been with plenty of women despite it not being 'serious.'"

"Is somebody jealous?"

I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "No."

"It's ok to be jealous." He smirked. "I would kill any man who has touched you before I did."

"So possessive." I rolled my eyes.

Luc moved his hand to rest on my thigh, which caused a warmth to spread through me. "Don't fault me for wanting you all to myself. I want to be vulnerable with you in ways I never have been, I'm not ready to give up total control though. That doesn't come naturally to me."

"I don't think you were meant to be this controlling, arrogant man you've made yourself out to be." Instead of keeping eye contact with him, I could only direct my gaze to the hand on my thigh. Luc's thumb moved back and forth gently across the jean material.

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