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I pinched at the delicate piece of skin that held the most expensive diamond earring I have ever worn. My fingertips trailed from my earlobe down to my chest where they stopped right above the stringed diamonds. The closet mirror reflected my image, allowing me to see myself behind each action. However, my feather light touch felt foreign, as if my movements were controlled by someone else.

The weight of the diamond necklace from last night's dinner offered me another glimpse at the extent of Luciano's wealth. As a young girl, money wasn't a concern. My father's illegal dealings ensured he would never find himself low on income. Despite having access to the finer things in life, I wasn't spoiled by my father with extravagant gifts. To him, my survival was the greatest gift he could ever give me. He showed that until the day he died, though wanting me alive caused him to lose sight of what really mattered.

The dress I wore was a full length gown made of chiffon and a light blue to match the diamond jewelry. It had a sweetheart neckline at the bust and wide, delicate straps wrapped around my biceps. The straps prevented the movement to lift up my arms, but they brought me a sense of elegance rather than restraint. Below  a beaded belt, the skirt of the dress flowed down with a slit in the fabric to display one of my legs as I walked.

Living in Sicily for several months, my skin had become golden. The light blue of my outfit did bring out my eyes as Luc had said, but it also complimented my body's tanned complexion.

"Are you ready?"

I whipped my head around to face Luc as he entered the doorway.


Luc walked even closer until he was within arms length of me. He reached out and touched a strand of hair that had escaped my updo. With a gentleness reserved for me, he pushed the strand behind my ear. I took a deep breath. In my heels, we were nearly eye level.

"You look divine. I knew this necklace would look amazing on you."

"It's a beautiful necklace," I commented.

"Not as beautiful as the woman wearing it."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I didn't realize you were someone who likes cheesy compliments."

"My wife deserves all the compliments in the world, including the cheesy ones." He gave me a flirty wink before kissing my forehead. Whatever walls he had erected at the start of our marriage must have collapsed for him to show me this playful side of him. "It's time to go."

Luc's hand rested on the small of my back as we left the walk-in closet. It stayed there the entire way through the mansion, except when he lifted it to open and hold the main door for me. I wondered how things between us would've been if he had shown me this gentleman side sooner in our relationship. The stubborn part of my brain reminded me that whether he acted like a gentleman or not, it wouldn't have made me accept him any easier. He had bartered me with my father as if I were a piece of property.

Like any other time we left the mansion, we had a driver to take us to the location where the banquet would be held. Luc sat in the back with me. He left the middle seat between us, but laid his hand on it so he could hold mine as we rode to the banquet.

"Are you nervous?"

I switched my attention from the window to Luc's face. His brows were furrowed with concern. "Should I be?"

"Of course not." His thumb brushed along the back of my hand as he spoke. "You will just be meeting a lot of new people. I admit, some of them are dangerous, but they wouldn't dare try to hurt you. Not there when I'm by your side."

"You're my protector now."

"I'll be whatever you want me to be. You're strong, Katerina. It's one of the things I admire most about you. Even if you don't always need my protection, I will always be looking out for you. I promise."

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