Chapter 30- A Special Bond

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In the semi finals of the tournament the Vikings dominated through the whole game. Cameron claimed it to be 'just luck' because the best player of the opposite team was injured. However, his friends were very determined to make him believe that it was due to their team effort. Especially Ally, she never forgot to remind him that he was being too hard on himself. Those long hours of practising were finally paying off but he didn't want to acknowledge it.

Cameron didn't throw any victory party which saddened the team. He said they should save all their energy for the next game. The Finals.

But he did sponser a small get together at his home later that night to which only his close friends were invited.

Ally took the ride to his home directly from the school where her friends were yet to arrive. She was alone with Cameron in the game room helping him set up the food and drinks.

"What are we up to?" She asked settling down three large bowls each filled different snacks.

"Movies and maybe just talk you know." He casually answered lazily falling on the couch behind him. She took a chair beside him.

"You like to talk... a lot." He chuckled when she referred to their routine night conversations.

"Seriously though... you're the most talkitive guy I've ever met."

"I would like to take that as a compliment." He looked down at the floor placing a hand on his chest.

"Sure you would... You've been keeping me up all night." She said but instantly regretted it. That sounded very clean in her head.

"Oh shit... That came out wrong." She laughed looking at Cameron who was literally rolling on the couch with laughter.

"Juicy. That's why you've been sleeping through your classes." Ryan entered with Becky who didn't fail in misunderstanding Ally.

"No. No. That's not what I meant."

"Ooh. I get it, Al. You've doing some Cam for a few days." Becky said in an overly seductive voice. Ally knew she would be the new topic for jokes in her group of friends. A lifetime of embarrassment was guranteed.

"Great. Now we have two couples in this group." Haley said entering with Luke.

"No." Ally and Cameron simultaneously shouted getting up from their seats. Cameron gave her an odd look before settling down once again.

"Guys we're just friends... Now let's just do what we're here for." He added. Their friends controlled their laughter and took seats around the television. They decided upon a comedy flick and watched it till they got bored of the overused plot.

"I'm out of soda." Haley said bouncing off to the kitchen. Obviously Luke followed her. Ally guessed they had ran to the bathroom to secretly make out.

"Are we seriously still watching this?" Becky said stretching out her limbs. She had dozed off halfway into the movie. She took the remote and switched it off which welcomed protests from the boys.

"Let me check if a game is on." She said flipping through the channels. She settled on a repeat telecast of a basketball game between Los Angeles Clippers and Miami heat.

"Yes! I have never seen this one." Ally commented with a new energy pumping in her veins.

"Me too!" Ryan too joined the game watching team leaving only Cameron.

"I have seen this one." Cameron demanded to switch back to the movie. But he was shushed by Ally. He looked at her jumping up everytime Miami scored a basket. This was a new side of Ally he had never expected to see. Suddenly she was a bossy fan yelling at a screen just like him. Eventually he joined in the party and enthusiastically watched the game. He realized he had seen it a long time ago and was confused on which team had won.

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