Chapter 1- The Cheesy Punch

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 "I'm sexy and I know it", everyone started shouting in unison, and started shuffling their feet according to the beat.

Ally Parker was at a high school party. She went to these kind of parties and hey school starts on Monday. So, this was the last summer party before she became a senior. She had no choice but to attend it. Parties are not bad if there's dancing and loud music involved, as according to her, that was the fun part of it. Of course, like most school parties, the place reeked of alcohol and the loud music covered the sound of make-out sessions. People were spread across the living room which was converted to a dance floor, occasionally jumping and howling.

"Hey I am going to get a drink." She shouted in her friend's ear and moved towards the kitchen.

The Kitchen, a place full of couples making out in every corner.

She made a disgusting face as she passed some people who were basically swallowing each other. These things made her feel like puking.

She moved towards the counter and picked a paper cup from the stack and poured the fruit punch in it. Ally was determined to take only one cup as she knew drinks were spiked. She sat on the kitchen counter with her cup in her hand and her eyes wandering until she saw a perfect face to look at.

It was Jake Lerman, the guy she had a crush on since they were sophomores. He had the perfect combo of looks and brains.

She smiled when she saw him pumping his body to the bass. He looked so cute when he tried to sing the lyrics of the song.

Damn, that boy was so fine looking. Loose jeans, white tee and his incredibly soft looking brown hair, in which she just wanted to run her fingers. Wow. Just Wow.

"Are you done drooling?" a husky voice beside her snapped, taking her by surprise. She never noticed someone sitting beside her.

Ally closed her eyes in embarrassment and turned to look at the owner of the male voice.

"Hey, I was just looking around." she shouted protesting. She opened her eyes to look at the person and she screamed internally when she recognized him.

He was Cameron Miller, the most popular guy in her school known for his antics and a never ending list of girlfriends.

Shit. He probably thought she was an obsessive girl. Now he would make fun of her till the end of her life.

"I just don't understand why hot girls go for nerdy guys. It doesn't make sense." He commented again looking at the direction of the crowd.

Ally was taken aback for a second but she found herself smiling. The Cameron Miller, hands-down the hottest guy in her school had just called HER hot, well.. Indirectly.

"Maybe because they are sweet and intelligent unlike some boys." She said in a mocking tone.

"Hey! I can be sweet too!"

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well... sometimes." he muttered under his breath. She laughed at his confidence.

Ally didn't realize that she was already pouring herself another cup of punch which was spiked which meant that 3 cups and you're officially drunk.

"You do realize that thing is spiked, right?" Cameron warned her taking a sip of his own beer.

"Yeah. I know I can handle alcohol quite well." Yes, that was the only one thing that made her different from her peers. Apart from academics of course.

Cameron's pale green eyes grew in surprise. He had that emerald like shine in them. Ally gulped as she took in his sharp features. He had dark brown hair which were slightly messed up and very pink lips, which looked very kissable. His nose was straight. He was wearing a black jacket with a grey t-shirt and dark blue jeans. Damn it. What the heck was she thinking? It must be because of the little alcohol in her system.

She gasped as he winked at her.

"Great. Now you're checking me out. Girls..." he muttered the last words and looked straight in her dark eyes.

She looked away in embarrassment. Yes to be honest, she was checking him out. She focused her attention back to Jake who was still dancing in the other room. Jake looked so cute while dancing she thought to herself.

"Does your eye hurt?" Cameron said in an amusing tone.

She looked at him ready to deny it. She knew he would make fun her.

"No I..."

"Because you look right to me." Cameron finished his sentence and put the empty beer bottle on the counter beside him.

She couldn't control her laughter hearing that so she burst out laughing right on his face. When she calmed herself down she looked at his face which was representing utter confusion.

"That was the cheesiest line I've ever heard." She said pointing a finger at him. She put the empty cup on the counter.

"You've no idea I have a huge stock of cheesy lines." He stated with a smirk on his face.

"Wait... That didn't work on you." He continued when he realized the fact. His facial features looked a mixture of sad and shocked.

She shook her head.

Ally had heard pick-up lines all her life. It's one of the perks of having a heartbreaker brother. She had heard her brother, Alex, trying these lines on every freaking girl. So, she was quite used to it by now.

"Okay. How about.... Are you parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you"

"That was ridiculous." She said jumping from the counter. "Try that on another girl you might get laid." She added walking away leaving him on the counter.

"Wait..." she heard his faint voice from behind but she ignored and continued to walk to the dance floor again.

Ally and her friends' danced and drank soft drinks, enjoying every bit of fun left before school started. She reached home at midnight. Her parents were the cool type. They liked when their daughter was partying occasionally like a normal teenager. But all of it should be under the limit. So 11:30 was her deadline, she had already texted her mom she would be a little late. She wasn't surprised to find her parents asleep.

She silently headed towards her room, quickly changed and got into her bed. She was tossing and turning in her bed trying to find a comfortable position when her phone buzzed under the pillow.

 It was 12:30 in the morning, and it was a text from an unknown number. Creepy.

"Girl, are u tired? Cause' you've been running in my mind all night."

She was taken aback for a second and tried to figure out who it could be. She smiled when she figured only one person could flirt like there's no tomorrow.

Cameron Miller.

A/N: Vote and comment if you like this! Side pic of Cameron dallas I think he's best for Cameron Miller's role.

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