Chapter 24- A Happy Birthday Gift

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Chapter 24- A Happy Birthday Gift

On Monday when Ally was walking to her locker she noticed Rebecca's permanent smirk. It was like she had won something and was proudly flaunting it. No, she hadn't got Jake or Cameron. She had got satisfaction from the annoyed look on Ally's face. She decided to not let Rebecca enjoy herself from her misery. So she smiled or laughed loudly whenever she was around the corner. Nothing could annoy an enemy more than your smile.

If Rebecca wanted pain, she would portray just the opposite. Pleasure.

As the week passed Rebecca's smirk had been replaced by grinding of teeth and clenching of fists. She never encountered her alone that week but if they did bloodshed was evidently possible. Not literally. But it looked like Rebecca wanted a fight from which Ally would never back off. Her kickboxing could be put to use in this way. Even though Ally was a tolerant person it did not mean she wasn't up for a fight if situations arise.

All week she tried to tell Jake about her but could never spark such a conversation. Jake did not like to talk about her either. His ignorance to Rebecca was fueling her anger even more which would burst on Ally. Every time she said something related to her, Jake's only answer would be ''Let's not talk about that." And he would say that in his sexy tone with his eyes piercing on her, she would even forget they were in class let alone remember to stay focused. Her knees always went wobbly when she imagined the remote possibility of his soft lips on hers. It had been very disastrous the last time she was daydreaming about him. She almost got thrown out of Chemistry lab. Her attention span and memory narrowed to a zero whenever he talked to her. It was astonishing how much he affected her.

When Friday came Ally asked him to come to tonight's game to which he said, ''She's gonna be there... You know... It'll be awkward."

She hid her disappointment; she was hoping with all her heart he would accompany her and they would get to spend some time together. ''Alright." She said with a closed mouth smile.

''You enjoy though. Bye.'' He said touching her right arm before walking away. She looked back and forth between his walking figure and her arm. Wow. The petty touch was electric; like an unknown energy started running through her nerves. She absentmindedly smiled as he disappeared into the hallway.

Becky snapped her fingers in front of her to grab her attention, ''Yo dreamer! Are you coming to the game?"

''Yeah. Are you?"

''Only if you're going to be there. What am I going to do alone?"

''Great. I'll see you in like an hour then." She said glancing at the players who were ushering towards the gym.

''You're going home?"

''Yup. I just have to do an errand for my dad." She said. Her father had asked her to find a file that he had forgotten at home. He was going to come to pick it up.

''Okay... But don't be late. It starts in an hour. Do not ditch me." Becky said with wide eyes as she underscored the last words. Ally nodded and they parted ways.

When she reached home she started searching the file with the phone pressed to her ear as she took instructions from her father. After a long fifteen minutes and a messed up bedroom she was able to find it. Her dad came home and she handed him the file.

''Oh you got it." He said in his monotonous calm voice.

''Yeah. It was deep under the pile." She said and he turned around to go back to work.

''Are you going somewhere?" He asked noticing she hadn't changed her clothes.

''Yes. A basketball match of our school team." She replied. Her dad was never really a restrictive parent. He would never mind her going out.

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