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Nevaeh POV:

Shawn is sooooo pissed at me. I didn't even do anythang! Travis is tha one dat fucked up. Not me! Why would I cheat knowin' I'm always tha one bein' cheated on? I'm faithful ta Shawn juss like he's faithful ta me. I called him but he didn't answer so I went ta his uncle's house dat he has hea' in Atlanta. I rung tha doorbell and he answered

Shawn: "What?"

Me: "Can we talk fa few?"

Shawn: "Why?"

Me: "So I can explain what really happened. Dats why..."

He looked at me fa a few seconds then moved ta tha side. I walked in and he closed tha doe. We went upstairs ta his room and he closed tha doe. I sat on tha bed and he sat in his rollie chair and looked at me

Shawn: "So what really happened? Cuz what I seen was y'all about to fuck near tha pool..."

Me: "Dat wasn't gonna happen. He came ova cuz Juan hit him up. I was in tha back watchin' Lani and Tasha so I didn't know he was even there til Juan said sum'n' ta me. I didn't care he was there cuz we coo'. Juan and Cali left. Lani and Tasha went in tha house. So we were tha only two left. He was rubbin' on me and shit. I didn't like it. So I moved. When you came ta tha back, dats when he got on top of me and kissed me. What chu seen was me pushin' him off."

Shawn: "So y'all haven't done anything since I been gone?"

Me: "No. Why would I cheat knowin', fa one, I've been cheated on befoe knowin' how dat feels. And two, knowin' I have you. Dat would be stupid as fuck. I'm crazy but I ain't dat crazy, Shawn. I would neva cheat on you. Juss like you would neva cheat on me..." I said grabbin' his hands

He locked our fingas ta'getha and looked me

Shawn: "You're right. I'm sorry. I shoulda asked you first..."

Me: "It's OK. I undastand why you got mad..."

He pulled me on his lap and kissed me and I kissed back

Shawn: "I love you" He said against my lips

Me: "I love you, too"

I'm glad he actually listened ta me. It's bad enough dat he's back in St. Louis. Ion wanna lose him. He's a good one

Bresha POV:

Ion know what I should do. Ion know if I should fa'give him fa what he did or leave. He kept dis a secret from me. He coulda tol' me dis befoe we got married. He has a son wit a broad named Tiana. I can't believe I didn't know he cheated. He hid dat good as hell cuz if I woulda found out I woulda left. Like...dat shit. Really. Truly hurt me. I'm glad he ownin' up ta it but DAMN! Afta I have a beybe?! Dat shit ain't coo'! Ion know what ta do. I'm so confused. Until I figure it out...I'm stayin' in Atlanta

August POV:

Ta'day...I'm juss chillin'. Ion plan on doin' shit besides bein' lazy lol. Especially since I'm home by myself. It's peace and quiet. So Imma juss enjoy my blunts and Peach Ciroc lol. Ion see nun wrong wit dat. Oh! And I got Popeyes! Yea a nigga still hit dat shit up lol. On a daily basis! But right na...I'm rollin' up a blunt. Well a few blunts lol. I only rolled up three so far. But while I'm rollin' up my fourth blunt, tha doorbell goes off

Me: "Damn! Can a nigga get some peace?! I juss wanna smoke, drank, and eat my chicken. Where tha fuck Terrence at? Randoms comin' ta my doe and shit..."

I walk through tha foyer and go ta tha doe. When I open it. My whooole attitude changes

Me: "Tha fuck?!"

???: "Did you miss me, August?" She asked smirkin'

Me: "Fuck!"



Shawn listened and apologized to NeNe

Bresha's confused

Who was at Aug and MeMe's house?

Prolly some errors. Oops

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Instant Love IV: Situations {Tetralogy: August Alsina Story}Where stories live. Discover now