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*2 weeks later*

Mariah POV:

So in tha last two weeks I found out sum'n', I juss finished my Christmas album, and I did two videos fa two of tha songs dats on tha album. So I've been pretty busy. But right na Aug and I gettin' ready ta go ta tha airport cuz dis is tha day we leavin'. And I have ta tell tha kids sum'n' but I'm confused as ta where Ion know if I wanna tell'em na. As Aug and I walk downstairs he looks at me

August: "You gonna tell'em befoe we leave cuz I think three months is too long..."

Me: "Ion know. It's juss throwin' me off right na. Cuz dey asked and I said no. Ya know what...I'll tell'em on Christmas. We stayin' hea' fa dat week anyway. So on Christmas Day I'll tell'em..."

August: "You sure?"

Me: "Yea. And er'body else would be hea' too so why not give dat as a present. It's juss two weeks away..."

August: "'Iight. But chu know tha rules right?"

Me: "Yup. I'll watch it. Anger management is somewhat workin' I guess. But Imma have tha same outcome as befoe like dat tha last time I went. I'm only doin' it cuz I have too"

He juss laughs and shakes his head. We go downstairs and Aug and NeNe arguin' ova Family Feud. In Spanish lol. Im dyin' right na. Lani juss sittin' in tha middle lookin' back and forth at'em lol

August: "Aye!"

Dey look at him like 'really?'

August: "Stop. Yellin'. Please. Can you wait til we leave? And speak English. No Espanyolo..."

Me: "Español babe..."

August: "Yea dat. I speak English."

Lil Aug/Nevaeh: "Lo siento"

August: "I know what dat means..."

Me: "*laughs* Dats cuz I been sayin' dat ta you since high school"

August: "Good point"

Me: "But on a real note. We finna go...."

August: "Na how can I say dis in a way you undastand. Don't fuck shit up. Don't go in our bedroom cuz y'all will find some shit. If you do go in there and find it...dats on y'all. So don't say I neva tol' y'all not ta go in there..."

Me: "We trust y'all ta be hea' by yourselves..."

August: "You two...are tha ones I'm worried bout. All Lani's gonna do is sit back and watch. Walkin' by y'all wit a bag of chips in one hand and a drink in tha otha. Then lata on she knows she's gonna be entertained. Don't do no crazy shit..."

Lil Aug: "We won't"

Me: "Nah. Fa'real..."

Lil Aug: "I am fa'real. We won't..."

Me: "'Iight. Babe we gotta go na. I wanna go back ta sleep"

Dey hug us and NeNe looks at us

Nevaeh: "But y'all are gonna be hea' fa Christmas right?"

Me: "Yup. Dat whole week. Then we gotta go"

She nods and August looks at'em

August: "Don't fuck shit up. We trust y'all ta be alone. And Aug, Imma let chu off tha hook"

Lil Aug: "Thank God cuz all dat wasn't fa me"

August: "Na do you see why you play sports..."

He nods

Instant Love IV: Situations {Tetralogy: August Alsina Story}Where stories live. Discover now