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Michael POV:

Yo! What's good with chu?! Aye. My life been dope. We still live in Cali and lovin' it. Bresha and I are finally married and have been for 14 years. Shocker right! But I said what I meant and I meant what I said. I've neva cheated again after that. I cut off all connections with every female befoe we even got married. I kept my word and we got back to tha way we were back in high school. Well...we're back to tha way were befoe I cheated back in high school. But anyway, we goin' to Atlanta for tha holidays cuz that's where my mama is. And we haven't seen Aug and nem in a minute so we gonna see them while we there.

Me: "When ReeRee comin'?"

Bresha: "I think in three moe days..."

Me: "So is she gonna get on a plane plane orrrrr..."

Bresha: "She said she wanted tha jet. She said she ain't wanna catch no disease from anybody..."

Me: "*laughs* Dramatic. Just like you..."

Bresha: "*laughs* I ain't dramatic. Tha way I react ta shit is tha real reaction..."

Me: "*laughs* Like I said dramatic. You ready?"

She nods and we grab our stuff and go downstairs. Tha driver grabs our stuff and puts it in tha truck

Me: "M.J and Ava!"

M.J/Ava: "Comin'!"

They came downstairs and looked at me

Ava: "Did you have to yell?"

Me: "Lil girl watch yo tone"

Ya know. For a 13 year old, she has a smart mouth. But she get that from Bresha

Bresha: "Err! Stop"

M.J/Ava: "Why?"

Bresha: "Y'all didn't fa'get anythang did y'all? Cuz once we leave. No. Turnin'. Back..."

M.J: "I got everythang"

Ava: "Me, too"

Bresha: "...'Iight"

We walk out, lock tha doe, and get in tha truck. Five minutes down tha road...Ava yells

Ava: "Wait! Turn around"

Bresha: "I was waitin' fa it" She said laughin'

Ava: "I forgot my earphones"

Me: "Dave..."

Dave: "Got it..."

He turned around and headed back to tha house. I gave her tha house key, and she got out. Five minutes later she came back wit a drink

Ava: "I got thirsty. Here's yo key though"

I take my keys and shake my head. I'm ready to get to Atlanta...


Bresha POV:

Hi my love muffins! Lol. Ol' girl back! A lot has evolved in tha last few years. Mike and I got married. It took awhile fa me ta trust him again. And when I gave all my trust back, he proposed and tada! 14 years lata we still married. He kept his word ta me. And I'm glad he did. But anyway, afta freshening up and visitin' Wendy, we went ta Aug and MeMe's place. I rung tha doorbell and Lani and NeNe answered

Leilani/Nevaeh: "Hi you guys!"

We hug'em and dey hugged back. We walk in and I hear Aug yellin' lol

August: "Why in tha heeeeell y'all so loud fa?!"

He came around tha corner and I juss waved

August: "Oh! Wassup!"

Instant Love IV: Situations {Tetralogy: August Alsina Story}Where stories live. Discover now