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*2 days later*

Mariah POV:

Ya know afta two days, I have finally got my sanity back. I had ta smoke a few blunts...but dats OK lol. But anyway, ta'day we at tha studio cuz we doin' dis tour stuff and I'm workin' on a new song called Last Call. Dat I possibly don't like. I didn't write dis one, somebody else did...

Me: "Sorry can't do it"

David: "Why not? It was givin' to you for a reason"

Me: "Fa one, it's an octave lower. Actually a whole lotta lower, some parts anyway, if at makes since at all. I'm gonna have ta force dat shit out. There's a reason why I'm an Soprano one, David. And two...I juss don't like. I undastand tha meanin' of tha song and I love tha meanin'. I juss don't love tha song."

August: "Juss try it. It could be betta tha what chu thinkin'. It always turn out dat way. Trust me"

David: "Yea. Trust him"

Me: "Shut tha hell up David. Gimme tha song"

He laughs and gives me tha paper. I go in tha booth and shake my head

Me: "Dis betta be sooooo worth it, y'all..."

August: "It will. Juss sing. Let flow. Juss like every otha song, you're gonna kill it"

I nod and look at David. Tha whole time I'm singin' I'm thinkin' When I walk out I juss look at'em

Me: "I feel like I juss killed dat"

August: "Beybe dats a good thang..."

Me: "No. Not dat kinda killed. I meant killed as in cut up, sliced into itty bitty pieces, and set on fire..."

August: "*laughs* Yeen ain't do dat. You did fine as always..."

He kissed my cheek and I tol' David ta play it. And It did turn out betta tha what I thought

Me: "I guess you were right"

August: "You guess...." He said tickling me

Me: "'Iight! 'Iight! You were!" I said laughin'

August: "Dats moe like it"

Afta he said da, two police officers walked in. Dey ain't say shit dey juss cuffed me.

Me: "Tha fuck!"

August: "Tha fuck y'all doin'?!"

Officer 1: "She has an warrant out"

Me: "Fa what exactly?"

I thought it was best fa me ta calm my lil ass down. I'm already in cuffs...

Officer 2: "The assult of Kelly Allison"

Me: "Dis bitch!"

August: "James we'll finish all dis lata"

*Police Station*

Officer: "C'mon Mariah..."

Me: "I know tha routine..."

He walks ova ta me and starts searchin' me. But he havin' too much fun

Me: "'Iight. Look. Don't be groping on me and shit. Can you juss use tha medal detector thingy"

He looks at me and grabs it. He moves it and it does tha annoyin' noise

Me: "Stomach piercin'" I said showin' him my stomach

He moved it around my sides ta my face! Why my face?! Ion know!

Me: "Tongue piercin'"

He moves down and it does it again

Instant Love IV: Situations {Tetralogy: August Alsina Story}Where stories live. Discover now