Waking up

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Dean wakes up at 5 am. Just because I usually say four hours, it doesn't mean I can't sleep longer he thinks for himself. Wait... Something's wrong. Really wrong. It's too dark to see it, but something is terribly wrong.

Dean tumbles into the bathroom, almost tripping over his own feet. He switches the lights on and the reflection that meets his eyes in the mirror shocks him. Long dirty-blond hair falling over feminine shoulders, soft facial features, full pink lips and big, green eyes. What's staring back in the mirror isn't Dean, even though they have the same hair colour, the same bright eyes and even the exact same freckles, this is a woman. Once the shock settles the panic kicks in.

"SAAAAM!" the voice that comes out of his lungs isn't his own.

Sam's first reaction is to grab the gun under his pillow, Dean isn't the only one sleeping prepared for a fight. He grabs his gun and tries to see where the danger is and who the victim may be. He can't see anything, so he presses the light switch to the lamp above his bed. Dean's bed is empty and Sam starts to worry. Once he's checked the entire room and declared it monster free, he runs up to the bathroom door.

"Ma'am? Are you alright? Where is Dean?" Sam's voice is worried, but the one answering seems straight out terrified.

"S.. Sam..? I.. I don't know what's happening. Something's wrong."

"I can help you, just let me in. And where's Dean?" Sam is really worried for Dean, but he starts to get a little annoyed too. It wouldn't be the first time he had taken some chick home and then left in the morning, leaving Sam in a very awkward situation.

"I.. I'm in here Sam. Something's wrong."

"Oh my god, Dean is that you? Come out."

"No.. I don't want to." Dean is starting to calm down, but hell, he does not want Sam to see him like this.

"Dean, I can't help you if you're gonna sit in there all day. I will kick in the door if you don't come out. It can't be that bad."

Dean reluctantly unlocks the door and steps out of the small motel bathroom. Dean isn't prepared for the holy water Sam throws in his face.

"Really Sam? Really?"

When Sam actually sees Dean he has to bite the inside of his lip to avoid laughing out loud. Dean has actually been transformed in to a woman.

"Sam, it's not funny. I.. I have tits, Sam. Little Dean is gone, too. I don't know what happened but it's bad. Really bad." Dean's new voice can apparently be extremely serious, so Sam stops laughing.

"I think I know what happened, Dean. Witches. This is the spell they finished just before we got there. This is what they were doing. They knew we were coming."

"Frikkin' witches. I hate witches. How could they do this to me?!" Dean is starting to worry even more, the witches are dead, so they can't take the spell back. Sam must have been thinking the same thing.

"Maybe we should call Cas, he could help us with this." Cas always come when they call, so of course he would come if they wanted him to. Dean is aware of this, but he doesn't want Cas to see him like this either. For some reason he felt a really big no towards Cas seeing him like this.

"No! We can figure this out. He can't see me like this! Hell, I don't even want to see me like this."

"I'm calling Cas, Dean. We need his help."

"No.. Don't do tha... " but it's too late. Sam is already talking to the roof.

"Dear Castiel, we need you. Dean is.. Well.. Something's wrong. Please help. Amen."

Dean has already locked himself back up in the bathroom when the familiar sound of fluttering wings fill the room before a deep, worried voice starts asking the younger Winchester questions.

"Is Dean hurt? Where is he? Are you okay? Where is Dean?" Castiel's voice is worried, but far away from how worried he really is.

"Calm down, Cas. Dean's in the bathroom and he's... " Cas disappear in front of Sam's eyes.

".. Fine."

Castiel appears in the small bathroom, close to Dean due the lack of space.

"Buddy.. Personal space." Dean's voice is slightly accusing, even though he doesn't really mind Cas being this close. Must be the female hormones.

".. And please get out. Don't look at me, just go." Dean continues.

"Dean... That's not your ordinary body. Same soul, different body.. Hm.. Sam was right, something is wrong."

Since Cas already had laid his eyes on Dean, there was no longer a reason to hide in the bathroom. Dean unlocked the door once again and tumbled out. His clothes were hanging loosely on his now much smaller body, which caused him to almost lose his boxers in the process.

"Dean, we should really get you some clothes.. I mean.. You can't wear you own." Sam's voice is careful, knowing that Dean probably won't appreciate his suggestion.

"I agree, Dean. I can't undo this. I'm sorry. You might have to live like this for a little while."

"Wait.. Your mojo can't fix me?"

"You're not broken you're just.. Female."

"Really, Cas? This isn't me! I'm not me anymore! And Sam, forget about the shopping trip. I'm keeping my clothes." Dean is truly upset. He sits down on his bed with his arms crossed over his chest. It feels weird to have squishy things hanging from his chest, so he tries to hold them up.

"But Dean, you can't even walk with those clothes on. Everything you own is way too big for you now."

"I don't care! I just.. I just want to keep something of myself. Please Sam, you have to understand." Dean's eyes starts to water, and he's not sure why. He's almost crying. Dean hasn't cried since.. Since Sam died last time, and this is an argument about clothes.

"I get it, Dean. You can get the same type of clothes, I promise, but you need something that fits you." Sam sits down beside Dean and lays a supporting hand on his back. "Is that okay?"

Dean just nods and lets out a quiet  "Mhm.." while Castiel just awkwardly stands there. None of them really cares, though. They're used to Cas's awkward appearance. Dean almost thinks it's cute. No, wait. He doesn't, it's just the hormones. Just.. Just the hormones.

"I will keep a look out for a way to change you back, Dean. I'll see you later. Call if you need me."

"Cas, wai....!" but it's alreade too late, Castiel has already flown away to god knows where.

Sam and Dean decides to go out for breakfast before their shopping day. Dean has to make new holes in one of his belts for his pants to stay up. He changes to a new, tighter shirt. Of course it's not tight at all anymore, but this one is at least a little better than the AC/DC shirt. His female body looks ridiculous in his way too big clothes, but he doesn't care one bit when they walk out towards the Impala. Dean opens the door and sits down..

"No! Baby, please.. SAM! I'M TOO SHORT. I CAN'T DRIVE MY OWN CAR, MY BABY!" Dean can feel tears threatening to fall again, what is up with all this crying?

"Dean, calm down. I'm sure you can manage. Just try, okay? "

Sam watches as Dean tries to find the pedals on the floor of his precious Baby. He can't reach them without almost standing up so he just gets out of the car, slams the door and walks around to the other side. When he opens Sam's door he just sits there like a question mark.

"Move over, you're driving."


"You. Are. Driving. Now just fucking move over." Dean's tone is actually rather scary, so Sam moves over to the driver's seat without furthur questions. Dean just gets in the car and then he turns the music up, he doesn't want to talk about it.

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