Shopping day

430 28 13

It's a rather small diner, and for that Dean is thankful. They're alone, except for an old couple sitting by the front window, and the staff, of course. Dean is so deep in thought that he jumps when the waiter starts talking to him.

"And for you, my lady?"

"Oh.. I'll just have the same as him." Dean respons. He has no idea what Sam ordered, but since he doesn't feel like eating he figures that it doesn't matter.

"Okay" the waiter mumbles before giving Dean a wink and then walking away. Dean knew that wink.

"Why was he flirting with me?"

"Because, Dean, you're a woman now."

"Oh.. Right."

"And a quite good looking one, too." Sam added. "You will probably get more flirtations."

"It doesn't matter, I don't swing that way. Or wait.. Do I?"

"What? Don't ask me, Dean. I can't possibly imagine what goes around in your head. Or.. I can, but I'd rather not think about it." Sam's bitchface was, as usual, spectacular.

"No, but seriously. Am I still straight? Or do I still like chicks? Am I a lesbian now?"

"I don't know, Dean. I don't care if you hook up with Elin or Greg, that's your choice." Sam was done with this conversation. He really didn't care about Dean's love life.

After the meal, which by the way was gross according to Dean, they were heading towards the local mall.

Dean hates shopping, especially shopping for himself. Sam dragged Dean towards the closest store with woman clothing and started to ask Dean about different pieces of clothing. Dean agreed to go try on a black T-shirt. Sam stayed behind to pick out some more clothes for Dean to try on.

When he pulled his own shirt off he got a chance to take a good look at himself. Well, at least I have good tits. There was a knock on the door and Dean quickly puts the new shirt on. It looked okay.

"Dean, are you dressed? Look at these, I think they'll fit." Dean opens the door to the small changing room to get close to a ton of clothes pushed onto him.

"Try all this on, and show me everything. We gotta make sure you get things that fits you."

"Sam, I'm not playing montage. Not. Ever."

"But Dean, you have no fashion sense. At all."

"And you have?"

"Yes, better that yours anyway."



Dean closed the door and started to look through the clothes. Three pair of jeans, some shirts, a hoodie, a dress (definitely a big no), two skirts, three pairs of tights and.. two bras?


"Yes, Dean? Everything okay?" Sam's sarcastic tone made Dean want to punch him in the face.

"Sam, I'm not wearing a bra. Ain't gonna happen'." Dean could practically hear Sam's bitchface through the door.

"You have to. Try jumping a few times and you'll see."

Dean let out small noises of discomfort as he jumped a few times.

"But Sam, does it have to be pink?"

"Yes, Dean. Yes is does." Sam tires to hold back his laugh.

"Awesome, just.. Great."

Dean finally decides to buy the black jeans, the three pairs of tights (they're surprisingly comfortable), the dress (he looks hot in it, and it's definitely Sam's idea) and some other stuff. He also buys three bras, none of them pink. They discovered that the ones Sam brought didn't fit, and they spent half an hour just figuring out which size he should get. So when they finally figured it out Dean picked out three bras he thought looked cool and sexy.

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