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The next day, Tenko made up her mind. She would be going to have a fresh start with Himiko, but something was in the way.
"Himiko, I'm sorry for being so close to you yesterday. I got a bit too far in your personal space and I admit I should have done that."
"Nyeh, it's fine I wasn't mad at you." Then they just awkwardly stared at each other. Tenko wasn't used to talking with someone who didn't want to talk. Then Angie came up to her.

"Hello, you two! May Atua be with you. Himiko, do you want to hang out after school today?"
"No thanks. Going over to someone's house sounds like a pain." Angie just nodded her head and went back to her seat. Tenko couldn't help but be in the same situation as her, but she knew she wasn't handling it as well.

"Maybe one day, we can all hang out together," Tenko suggested
"If I don't want to be with one person, why would I want to be with two?"
"Because you would have plus one friend! I'm trying to be nice to you because I care about you. You said you didn't remember when we first met but I remember it like it was yesterday. Ever since then I've cared a lot about you."
"If we didn't already know each other I would consider you a stalker." Those words sank into Tenko's heart, and not in a good way.

Today in school, it was announced that Tenko's grade would be the first students to have research labs for their talents. Everyone was instructed to explore their own.
"Wow, this looks exactly like the dojo I always train at. It's got everything I need. But I must say, it's pretty boring. But hey, what did I expect?" She said to herself. Meanwhile, Himiko was fawning over her new lab

"This. Is. So. Cool! It has everything I need! It looks like my room in my house but has all the mage stuff my parents won't let me keep in there. It has everything I could want and more! Thank you to whoever made this." Then she went to try out some of her magic with the brand new materials. Tenko on the other hand was getting bored with her lab and decided to visit Himiko.

"Hi Himiko, whatcha doin?"
"Ooh! Do you want to go into this box?"
"I don't know, the last time I went into a box I got kicked out of the carnival for what I'm assuming life."
"No that box, this one." Himiko ran up to get another box, big enough to fit a human being inside.
"You go inside, I put boards between your neck and shoulders and stomach and hips, then I pull your stomach out, take the boards out, then put you back into one piece." Himiko fumed.
"I get what you mean! Sign me right up."
"Actually...on second thought, I don't think I had enough mp to do that trick." Himiko suddenly quieted up.
"That's fine, do you have enough mp for any other tricks?"
"Yes, I do! Yes, I do!" She went over to a table and grabbed a crystal ball.

"I can predict your future." She tried saying mysteriously
"There's already an Ultimate Clairvoyant, but I trust you with this so much more than I trust that degenerate male!" She had Tenko put her hands on the ball as she rubbed her hands against it.
"Ommmmmmmmmme you will........have bad luck very soon."
"Oh no! I was planning on doing something very important!"
"Buuuuuuuut....it will turn into good luck after that."
"Then I'm good now, right?"
"Ommmmmmme.............your dream will come true."
"Which one? I have a few."
"Uh, the second one." Tenko blushed, knowing her second dream was to get with Himiko.
"And finally...........your overall score for this year is a...9/10"
"Nine outta ten? That's much better than I predicted. I trust your magic so I'm sure you're right."
"You're pretty annoying most of the time, but one thing I like about you is that you know my magic's real."

"Nyahahaha! That was a great show!"
"Angie? What are you doing here? Did you see what Himiko did that? It was sooo cool!" Bubbled Tenko
"I was done creating another masterpiece in my lab so I planned on exploring other people's labs. Then I was walking and I heard someone say the words "predict your future" and just had to see what would happen!"
"Do you want me to predict your future too? I would say yes but I told Tenko more than I should have and my mp is super low. I should go take a nap."
"No thank you. I have Atua with me, I have no worries for the future. Atua can tell you your future if you want. But only if you are a believer."
"I think I speak for both of us when I say we don't want to start believing in atua." Tenko exasperated
"Your loss then," she said while skipping away.

"Bye-bye for now." Yawned Himiko
"Wait! Before you take your nap, I wanna ask you something."
"You said my dream would come true. I wanna know what your dreams are."
"My dreams? I never really thought about them. But I guess I wanna be the best mage in the world. I also wanna get a handsome boyfriend one day." Tenko frowned at the last one, but Himiko didn't notice.
"What are your dreams?" Himiko conversed back, catching Tenko off guard.
"The first one is to become as good as my master in neo aikido. My second one is to...find love. My third one is to save all my friends from degenerate males. And my fourth one is to make all my peers proud. Thanks for asking me. That meant a lot." She blushed.
"You're gonna find love pretty soon. I hope you find a nice boyfriend."
"You said you wanted a handsome man, is that what you're into?" Himiko nodded her head.

"I'm gonna leave now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'm glad we got to chat."

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