chapter 20

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In a flurry of the next three months, all of the friends got engaged. Sophie didn't really accept it until Keefe and Linh's wedding was the next day. They wanted to get married first, because of reasons they had not explained to the rest of the group. Except for the fact that they were waiting to have kids until the deadline. Something about exploring together?

All Sophie could think about was her big day. She and Fitz had decided to wait, and they were getting married last of the group. They were okay with that though, because Sophie wanted a boyfriend before a husband.

"LINH!!!" Sophie yelled, walking into her and Tam's house, and running up the stairs to her room.

"Sophie!" Biana was already in Linh's room, spreading out at least two football fields worth of makeup.

"You already look beautiful," Sophie commented, "Keefe's a very lucky man!"

"Thank you!" Linh leaned closer. "Could you save me from those tons of makeup? I kind of want to go all natural, but Biana wouldn't hear it!"  Sophie and Linh giggled, turning to Biana's mountain of makeup.

"Biana, you couldn't possibly think Linh could wear all of that makeup?" Sophie laughed, almost doubled over.

"She's getting married for Pete's sake. I need to do this for her!" She whined. "Besides, you didn't let me help pick out the dress."

Sophie pulled out the dress, and Biana had no more complaints

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Sophie pulled out the dress, and Biana had no more complaints.

"I really do love butterflies," was all Linh said, and Biana pulled the dress over her head, and went to work on her face, and at Linh's insistence, went very light on the makeup, only adding silver eyeshadow and light pink lip gloss. 

After what felt like hours, Linh was done, and Sophie and Biana were pooped.

After a five minute break, Biana went to work and got herself and Sophie ready in matching bridesmaids dresses.

After a five minute break, Biana went to work and got herself and Sophie ready in matching bridesmaids dresses

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After that entire beauty regimen, Linh and the girls were finally ready to go to the wedding.

Linh walked down the aisle towards Keefe to soft violin music and a huge grin was spread across her face.

"Do you, Linh Song, take Keefe Sencen to be your husband?" asked the minister.

"I do," Linh smiled brighter than Sophie had ever seen.

"And do you, Keefe Sencen-"

Keefe interrupted him with a very loud, very improper, "I DO!"

The minister went into shock, and announced them husband and wife.

After they ran down the aisle, Keefe and Linh disappeared, so Sophie and Biana organized the reception, along with Tam and Fitz.

Fitz grinned and whispered, "That'll be us next year."

"Looking forward to it," Sophie joked, and she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him.

"Could you guys stop being sappy for five seconds to help us?" Biana broke the moment, but it wasn't awkward, because everybody was okay and good.

A couple minutes later, Keefe and Linh walked in, Keefe carrying Linh bridal-style.

"Did we miss anything?" They asked in unison, laughing.

"Linh, your makeup! Your dress!" Biana was having a stage five fashion seizure.

"It's fine, Biana, now where's our reception?" 

The rest of the night, Biana couldn't look at Linh, but it was okay because it was the best night ever and nobody even noticed.

That is, it was the best time ever, or it would be until Sophie and Fitz's wedding.

But for now, Sophie danced with her group, laughing and eating cake, and singing to cheesy human songs that she was teaching Keefe. (he LOVED them.)

Needless to say, it was an amazing night. And now Sophie could call Linh Mrs. Sencen.

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