chapter 1

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Sophie woke up in her giant canopied bed, not because the sun rose, shooting rays of cheery golden light through her blinds, though it was.  Nor was it because of the day. It was because of the toxic Iggy burp that tore through the room.

"Ugh, Iggy!" Sophie shouted, accidentally knocking him off her pillow. 

Iggy squeaked and ran across the room, acting offended.

"Sorry, buddy," Sophie said, getting up to pet Iggy.

Sophie went across the room to her closet, to get started for the day, when she heard a shriek from her spectrical mirror.

"What is it, Vertina?" Sophie groaned, stepping into Vertina's line of sight.

"First off, that outfit is a definite no. Especially since you're seeing him today!"

"Vertina, please don't go there."

"Fine, but at least let me help you, you poor soul," she pouted.

Since Sophie had gotten up early, she let Vertina guide her through french braiding her hair, picking a red tunic with a black sash and black pants. Sophie even let Vertina show her how to properly use the gold eyeliner Biana bought her.

"At least you look better than you usually do," remaked Vertina, earning an eye-roll from Sophie.

"Good morning Ms. Foster," said Sandor, scaring the living daylights out of Sophie as he came out of the shadows. Flashbacks of all the times the Neverseen had done that to her came in a dark wave, knocking her breath away.

Sophie shook herself to clear her head as said, "Good morning," to Sandor on the way down.

She didn't hear them but she felt Flori and Bo shift into place behind her. Right. The other bodyguards were there, too. Tarina wasn't there because of the whole hive thing, but still. Four bodyguards? Seriously?

"Hey, Sophie!" Edaline called, as she came into the kitchen. Then, she noticed her outfit. "Oh, are you going to see Fitz today?" her smiled turned sappy as Sophie nodded.

Her cheeks flushed red, "Yeah, okay, whatever. What's for breakfast?" she changed the subject as soon as she could.

Edaline's smile didn't change as she said, "Snargleroot," sliding a plate of mushy purple goo.

Sophie ate it and smiled. It tasted just like pancakes. "I'm going to Everglen before Grady gets up," she told Edaline, "I don't want to have another 'talk.'"

Edaline smiled, "Don't do anything crazy without telling me!" 

Sophie was already out the door. 

"We're going to teleport," said Sophie to no one in particular as she grabbed Sandor's hand and ran towards the Cliffside Pastures. 

When they jumped, Sophie was proud to say they kept their screaming to a minimum. Almost.

"Why is it always teleporting?" growled Bo once they were in the void.

"If it is Ms. Foster's prefered way of travel, we must take it," Sandor replied, ever protective.

Sophie wasn't focused on them, only the picture of Everglen in her mind, with it's castle-like towers and masion-like gables. She shot the energy out of her brain and there they were, in a heap in front of Everglen.

"We have got to work on these landings," groaned Sophie, pulling herself up from underneath Sandor and Flori.

"Agreed," Sandor said, as Bo rolled over on top of him.

"You got a problem, goblin?" Bo challenged.

"Yes, ogre, but we're working together so I'm not aloud to clobber you." Sandor replied, jumping to his feet, making Bo fall onto the ground.

He growled but stopped talking when he noticed Sophie's face.

Crimson red. When he followed her eyes, he found that they were trained on a certain Wonderboy Ro told him to keep her away from.

But it was too late because Sophie's head was exploding in a series of OH MY GOSH WE'RE IN THE SAME PLACE! and OH MY GOSH I HAVEN'T TOLD HIM I LIKE HIM YET! WHY CAN'T I JUST SAY IT?

Fitz Vacker's teal eyes sparkled in the sunlight as he called through Everglen's towering gates, "Hey, Sophie. There's something I need to talk to you about."

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