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The sun streamed into the bedroom in tiny golden rays, the shades preventing most of the light from penetrating the darkened room. Sophie rolled over, rubbing sleep from her eyes, as she woke up.

"Good morning," Fitz told her, his voice raspy from just waking up.

"Morning," Sophie responded, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and pulling herself up. She had a busy day ahead of her.

"I'll leap the kids to Foxfire, don't worry."

"But it's their first day! And Kenric will be a Level One this year! I'd be a bad mother if I missed Kenric and Waverly's first day." Sophie was already in the bathroom, dressed and brushing her teeth.

"I know it's their first day but you may be getting that promotion soon, and so you have to go to work, darling." Fitz was adamant, getting out of their bed and walking to his closet.

"I won't miss their first day." Sophie ended the conversation firmly, stepping out of the bathroom to let Fitz in, and she went to wake up her kids.

"Good morning, love," she whispered softly into the stiff air of her daughter's bedroom. Waverly was sleeping soundly in her bed, until she heard her mother's voice, louder this time.

"Waverly, time to get up!"

"Whatever, mom. I don't want to!" Waverly attempted to roll over, but Sophie was too fast.

"It's Kenric's first day, and you need to make breakfast this morning."

"Five more minutes, please!"

"One more minute."



"I'll take the one, then," Waverly groaned as Sophie went over to her windows and opened the blinds.

"If you aren't out of bed and in your uniform by the time Kenric is ready, you will be grounded for the rest of the week."

Sophie left the room and walked a little further down Sapphire Fall's main hallway, to her son's room.

"Mom, look! I have a cape!" Kenric was running around the room, his uniform already wrinkled, giggling like a five year old.

"I see you got up extra early," Sophie was amused by her son's boundless energy, and it was a nice contrast to Waverly's constant laziness. 

"I get to go to Foxfire with Waverly today!" Kenric exclaimed, jumping up and down. "And we get a good breakfast and I got lots of books!"

Sophie smiled and took her son's hand, leading him out of his room and into the foyer, not bothering to check in on her daughter. Sophie had faith that Waverly had bolted out of bed the second Sophie had walked out of the room; Waverly hated being grounded.

"Ready for school?" Fitz asked, walking into the kitchen and taking his place at the table. 

"It'll be just like last year," Waverly remarked, ever sarcastic.

"Yep! I get to go to the school with capes!" Kenric was eleven, but he still acted eight or nine most of the time. It was probably all the time he had been spending with Dex.

"Darling, could you act like an eleven year old for me at school today? Mom doesn't want you to get in trouble." Sophie said gently, nudging Kenric softly with her shoulder.

"Okay, Mom," Kenric said, straightening up and beginning to eat his breakfast.

Before long, the Vackers were out the door, deciding to use the LeapMaster in the garden instead of the house. Both Waverly and Kenric insisted on using it for their first day.

"Foxfire!" Fitz called, shooting his wife a smile.

Their life together was far from perfect, but it sure seemed like it was sometimes.

We're Forever: A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now