Chapter 15

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"Well, I think your detective should be awarded a medal. She prevented a lot of chaos." When they got back from the hospital, they were partially shaken. Unfortunately the first person they were greeted by was the one and only chief. William Dodds was completely quizzed at the somber looks of the SVU team. "Why the long faces? You stopped a school shooting and your detective is safe. You should be celebrating. " Olivia looked at him relatively lost. The only people that could ensure you were safe had just jumped through a portal to god knows where, so how did Chief Dodds know.

"How do you know she's safe?" Olivia asked. Carisi and the others were at their desks, but they were listening in on the conversation.

"Well she put in for some leave. Not that she didn't earn it. It's a good thing she was wearing that bulletproof vest. "

"What?" Olivia was completely lost. She didn't have a chance to question him, because he was walking out after offering his congratulations for a job well done. Barba was next to her, still going through what he'd seen at the hospital. "Why does he think she's on leave?"

"Do you think that she..but she couldn't have..could she?" Amanda was speculating in broken sentences. Honestly, none of them knew what was exactly going on. But the cover of you being on leave was a convenient one. Olivia couldn't do much but trust that you were behind whatever was going on.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see. " Whatever the outcome, your friends would fill them in. Olivia just hoped the outcome turned out to be beneficial. She wasn't sure she could deal with losing an officer. Her eyes drifted to Nick. He was standing at your desk, running his fingers along the mahogany surface.

None of them could afford to lose you.

~Central City~

Three Weeks Later.

"She's okay. I can't guarantee when she'll wake up. If she'll even wake up. " Caitlin stated. The steady beats of the monitor was the only indication they had that you were still alive. Caitlin had carefully mending your external wounds. All that was left was your internal ones. Your brain activity was on the fritz. She'd ran over a dozen tests, but they all came back unreadable. She couldn't tell what your mental state was. Her suspicions were that it had something to do with your telepathic powers. That and the fact that you'd claim the consciousness of another person before reverting to your true body. She had no idea how that affected your true body.

They all knew the ramifications of what could happen. "This is my fault. I was having that vibe for a week now. I thought it was some stupid nightmare. Why the hell did I just put it off. I should have told her something. Maybe she would.." Cisco slammed his hand on the desk angrily. When it first started he thought it was just a dream, since he only ever had them when he was asleep, rather than his usual contact flashes.

"It's not your fault Ramon. We've done all we can. Beating yourself won't do any good right now." Harry wasn't wrong. All they could do was wait and hope for the best. Barry sat down next to your unconscious form, taking your hand in his. All those years of your support, advise, banter. It dawned on him that he may never get to see that again. Never get to see you. Iris walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder. "She'll wake up. We have to believe she'll be fine. " Iris offered. Barry placed a hand on his shoulder over hers, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.

"You know, I bet if we found an attractive spanish guy she'd wake in an instant. " Cisco's joke made a few of them laugh. Iris raised an eyebrow smiling. "(Y/N)'s got an obsession with the language. "

"Got it." she laughed.

"I remember when she had a crush on Harry." Iris said. Harry looked stunned at the information. "Wait, you knew about that too?" Barry asked. Iris nodded. "We all did. You're a little too oblivious Barry."

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now