Chapter 13: Checking On Naruto -Part 3

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Kakashi and Azalea are about ten minutes from Naruto's training spot. Azalea stops, "Kakashi we're getting close. Where's your mask?"

"Oh. Uh, I hope it didn't crack when you punched me." Kakashi pulls his backpack around from his back and opens it, "Uh, you cracked it!"

"I cracked it? You're the one who picked me up?"

"Well it's not that bad." Kakashi puts it on, and Azalea see's a thin crack, "It could be busted. I'm surprised it's not. Come on let's go."

They get there and get behind some bushes about twenty five feet away. Kakashi kneels down and asks whispering, "What's your plan?"

"You'll have to wait and see. I just have to make sure he's a hundred percent occupied before I jump at him. You'll have to see the rest."

Azalea watches Naruto intently waits a few minutes as she watches him rasengan a tree. Then jumps up behind him with her Kuni pointed at him. She tags him, "You ready buddy?!"

"Believe It!"

Azalea jumps back a couple feet and Naruto does the same. Azalea creates several clones every one of them charge for him and goes to pile on him. He makes several clones and pushes her off. Naruto feels something suspicious, "Who are you?" He jumps back in defense, "You come and fight me every month about the same day every time. Who are you?!"

"Ooh you are good." Azalea jumps back, "Your gonna have to get to me first."


Naruto stands in a fighting position thinking, "Ok I just have to take his mask off."

Azalea feeling overconfident glances at Kakashi thinking, "I feel like I'm being watched... he's got ANBU watching me. Ok just don't flip wait until your back in Konoha. I did leave one of my Kuni R-"

Naruto manages to kick her mask off cutting her thought off. Azalea's eyes widen in shock that her mask was just taking off. Naruto in shock as well expecting a guy says, "Y-you're a girl! Who are you?! Your not ANBU I was able to kick your mask off with no problem!"

"Ok, so I was distracted. I got a lot going on, and yes I am ANBU! This didn't go as planned, but it deserves ramen."

Azalea walks over to Kakashi, "wanna meet my partner? ...You're not kicking this mask off though."

Kakashi's eye's widen seeing them head twords him. Kakashi checks his hood, "Ok I'm good."

A few seconds later Azalea pushes the bushes apart not seeing Kakashi, "Where'd my ANBU go!!?"

Naruto laugh's, "Looks like Your-"

Kakashi jumps out of nowhere, "Looking for me?"

Azalea swings around and punches him in the stomach and he goes sliding about ten feet, "You don't sneak up on a girl 'ither baka!!"

"Ok so I'm learning what you don't like. You use to like it when I sneak up on you."

"Ok emphasis on use to. Rrraaaa! Hmp, let's just get ramen ok."

Fifteen minutes later the three of them are sitting at a ramen house. Naruto orders Miso and Azalea gets Shoyu and Kakashi just sits.

Azalea eats about half of her ramen while Naruto is a quarter of the way done. Azalea waves down the waiter, "Can I get this to go?"

The waiter say, "Sure just a moment."

A few minutes later she brings back a to go cup.

"Alright Naruto let's see how next month goes." She gives him an elbow shove and gets up and holds on to Kakashi, "You ready?"

Kakashi groans getting the suspicion that he's about to be teleported back to Konaha, "Yeah."

They suddenly poof and Naruto jumps thinking that they would just get up and jump off.

Now back in Konoha, Azalea asks, "Did you have ANBU watching me?"

Kakashi nervously rubs his neck.

"Uh, N-no."

"Kakashiii! Don't lie to me!" She pulls her hands up ready to punch him.

"Ok, Okay! It wasn't me wh-"

She cuts him off by punching him making him fly about fifteen feet and he lands on his butt and his butt dig's in the ground and slides another ten feet. Azalea's hair fly's up and Kakashi holds his ear, "Back off, she's just being Uzumaki."

Kakashi doubles over in pain and turns around and looks up at the Hokage's building with a pleading look showing his sharingan so he's able to see if she's going to head out of the building or not. Tsunade looks out the window seeing Azalea holding her hand out to help him up. Tsunade gets up and walks over not too concerned, but decides she should check it out. Kakashi looks back at Azalea seeing her hand. Kakashi glares at her, "My tail bone hurt's, I can't stand properly."

"Of course you can't." Azalea smiles delightfully and giggles.

"You are so sadistic. Why do you got to be so mean."

"Oh but you love me though."

Azalea blinks a few times looking up, "L-lady T-tsunade?"

Tsunade walks up and asks, "What's going on now? Kakashi I seen a look of help in your eyes."

Azalea says, "He had ANBU watching me! I don't like being watched!"

Tsunade looks at Azalea and says, "You don't like a lot of things, and it wasn't Kakashi who put the order in. It was me. Looks like we're going to have to go back to the way we used to handle our anger."

Kakashi looks at Lady Tsunade and asks, "And how was that?"

We had a punching battle at the end of each week to see who had more frustration built up. And who ever was hurt the least at the end of three hours got healed first being that it was a worse week than the other person. Then the next day we had a big ramen dinner if it was her, but if it was me I got drunk on Saki."

"I think that was a better way to handle the week then how we've been doing it. Me going in once a week for an emotional check up."

"Ok today is Thursday, let's see what I can clear for tomorrow evening."

"Fair enough with me, but are you sure you don't want to try other drinks instead of Saki? You were addicted to Saki. I think it wou-"

"You're right, I'll try other drinks tonight before I go to bed...after I finish the paperwork that's is going to take five more hours. So on that note I'll get back to work." Tsunade turns around to head back to the building when Kakashi yells out, "Wait!"

Tsunade turns around and sarcastically says, "Oh, did somebody need help?" she walks back over and heals him.

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