2.) Flashbacks

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Evelyn's POV

I don't think I would have noticed the stunning guy with the golden hair, electric blue eyes, and brilliant white smile until he tapped me lightly on the shoulder while I was day-dreaming and whispered, "Trying to find constellations in the clouds? Me too," then stretched out on the grass beside me. At first I was stunned by the shocking queerness of the statement he had just made but then I came to my senses (which weren't all that good since he was dulling them by being... himself) and I shot him a goofy grin. After time this guy and I became a couple. We fell in love even more deeply every time we same each-other. His name was Aaron and he was definately the best thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life. He could always make me laugh and smile, and it seemed like he could always light up my world like a million of fireworks. I remember the first time he kissed me. When the constellations really were out and we were there again, sitting on the soft grass our hands entwined. Then he had turned over to me and whispered, "One day I'm going to make all your dreams come true because your some one who deserves to be happy." He had leaned closer to me and gently put his soft lips on mine as I felt as if a shooting star had shot across the midnight blue sky because I had always wished that would happen. When he pulled away I laughed softly, quietly telling him, "You already have made my dreams come true." About a year later he proposed and I. Said. Yes. He died in a car crash three days later. I heard the news when I had sat down at my kitchen table inhaling the morning-coffee aroma. I turned on then news and just as I leaned down to take a sip, my eyes strained on the T.V., a segment about a local car crash came on and I saw Aaron's charming smile flash across the screen. My coffee cup immediately shattered to the ground and my eyes grew wide to what I was seeing. After a few minutes I came to my senses, grabbed my car keys, and ran out the door. As I pushed on the gas pedal it started to rain outside, a delicate morning taking a turn for the worse. Salty tear drops streamed down my face but my mind was oblivious to this for all I could think about was Aaron. When I looked out my window I noticed there was a jagged crack running down the side of the glass. It looked like my heart. As my car skittered to a stop in front of the hospital I fled outside not bothering to park or lock my car for I was consumed with worry. The nursed quickley let me into his room when i told them who I was, a couple of them throwing me sorrowful glances as I passed by. When I burst into the room, there he was lying on a bed, a halo of golden hair framing his face. Yet the sight of him wasnt the thing that scared me most, it was the machine that showed me the rate of his heartbeat that stopped me dead still, because it was a straight line with no movement as there should've been. I blinked a few times as if wishing the pitiful line would disappear. Then the reality if this hit me. Hard. My feet collapsed beneath me and I screamed for the world to hear me. Though the only person meant to hear it, never did because he was gone.

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