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"911, what's your emergency?"
"There's been a robbery, the cashier was shot, he needs an ambulance
He looks kinda pale, I think he might've lost a lot of blood"
"Okay, help is on the way, has anybody else been injured?"
"Yeah, the robbers, there were two of 'em"
"Can you tell me their condition? Are they still alive?"
"Well, I'm not really sure, but they don't look so good
I'm pretty sure they're dead
Yeah, I think they're dead"




One whole year since all the craziness that happened. We moved to England, have stable jobs and a house of our own in a great neighbourhood. Everything's almost perfect. 

Some nights I can't sleep. I have horrible nightmares, flashbacks of the moment I was shot, waking up and not knowing where Althea was. I haven't told her of course. 

Knowing Althea, she'd worry and I didn't want anything to stop her from finishing her book. She'd found her passion. She wants to be an author and become a professor. 

It's hard. Some nights, when I close my eyes all I can feel is the overwhelming fear that she'll be taken from me again, gone. I can't and won't let that happen. 

It was a calm Sunday for us. Althea was resting her head on my lap as a film was playing on the TV. I paid no attention as I fiddled with her soft dark hair which was now cut short to just below her shoulders. 

"Are you okay?" She suddenly asked me, turning her head to look at me. 

Over the past couple months, Althea had randomly started asking me if I was okay. I couldn't tell if she knew about my nightmares but if she did, she didn't mention it which I was thankful for.  

"Yeah, I'm okay, are you okay?" I asked. 

She hummed, "Yeah, I am. I'm tired." She stated, getting up. 

I blinked, "And where do you think you're going?" I asked as she sat up. 

"Um to bed?" She stated as she switched off the TV. 

I shook my head and picked her up from the sofa, "Evan!" She shrieked, "What are you doing?!" She laughed. 

"Taking my Mate to bed." I stated nonchalantly. 

She laughed and let me carry her to the bedroom  

I grabbed a hair tie, "Want me to tie your hair up?" I asked. 

She shook her head, "No I'm good, thanks." She patted the space next to her on the bed, "C'mon then..." she yawned. 

I smiled and took off my shirt before getting into bed with her. I pulled her closer to me and took in her familiar scent. Vanilla and whiskey, taking me back to when we first met. 

"Goodnight love..." she whispered as she fell asleep, snuggled closely to me. 


"Evan!" She screamed as she was dragged away by her father guards. 

"No!" I yelled trying to break through the wolfsbane coated chains I was in. 

My skin burned and my heart shattered as I watched her being taken away, disappearing into the dark.

I let out a pained howl, trying to somehow call her or call for help but nothing came. My head dropped as I was left alone, skin searing and heart aching in the darkness.  

When I opened my eyes, I was strapped to a wooden chair, the ropes burning wherever they came in contact with my skin. All I could see was a window or a screen of some sort and there she was, Althea, standing there. 

"Althea!" I yelled trying to break free but she couldn't hear me.  

I watched as she looked up as a man entered the room. She smiled and hugged him, giving him a kiss on his lips. 

I growled lowly, my voice cracking, "No, please no..." I begged. 

I couldn't move. All I could do was watch them live together, laugh, everything that I was meant to be doing with her. The fresh hot tears stung my eyes, I couldn't bare it. 

"You didn't save me Evan..." her voice called out to me.  

"You left me. You promised..." 

"No please! I tried to—"

"You failed Evan! I was all alone Evan. How could you do that to me?! Don't you love me?" She asked. 

"I love you, of course I do Althea please!" I cried. 

"No! Evan! Evan!"


I felt warm hands on my chest, shaking me awake. 

"Evan! Wake up! Evander?!"  She called gently, stroking my hair. 

I blinked, I was awake and alert. My chest heaved and I was covered in sweat. My eyes searched for her around the room and she was still next to me. 

Still trying to catch my breath I sat up and pulled her close to me, hugging her tightly, "You're here, don't go..." I panted, "I'm sorry, I love you so much..." I gasped, closing my eyes. 

"Evander are you okay? I know you love me, why are you apologising..." she asked hugging me back before pulling away to look at me. 

After catching my breath, I finally met her worried brown eyes. They were calling out to me, full of worry. 

"Nothing," I stated, swallowing, "I'm fine." I answered before getting up and heading into the bathroom. 

I won't lose her again.


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