First Kiss

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(I'm Outer lol, I get killed by Killer in underverse)
The Next morning Classic woke up, he groaned and blinked his eye sockets trying to unblur his sight.

The first thing that came clear to him was his bed sheets, he soon realized he was under his sheets.

So he moved his sheets down to only come skull to Skull with none other than his crush, staring right back at him.

Classic blushed a deep blue, and Outer chuckled, "hehe, Goodmorning" he said.

Classic smiled in response, "Good morning".

There was an awkward silence between the too.

But somehow....

It didn't feel as awkward for them.

"Sleep well?" Outer asked.

"Yeah, surprisingly Ink was right" Classic said remembering what Outer said yesterday.

Outer blushed and asked, "w-well if you like, I can sleep with you everytime your here?" he asked avoiding Classic's star pupils.

"Mewheheh" Classic giggled, making Outer blush more, "I would love that" he said.

Outer turned towards him with a smile, "Really?" He asked.

Classic nodded.

Outer smiled and sat up in the bed and Classic followed his lead.

"Well we best get ready, Frisk is coming at nine today and it's already six" Outer said, going to get up only to be pulled back by Classic.

"What's wron-" Outer was cut of by Classic hugging him.

"Thank you for last night" he said.

Outer smiled and hugged back, "your welcome" he said, both of them let go of each other, "Now come on, I sure Barster is making Breakfast".

Classic imeditatly got up, "what are we wait for let's go!" He said grappling Outer's hand.

Outer smiled and followed Classic to their kitchen.

-------(Time skipped)-----------------

Classic decided to let go of Outer's hand once they got inside, because he didn't want to die of embarrassment.

Outer was a bit disappointed but he would have done the same.

In the kitchen-

There was Barster-

(You know the one where Grillby and San's rolls Swap, I couldn't find one from those comics, and this is properly one of my most favourite Sansby AU'S Ships of all time)

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(You know the one where Grillby and San's rolls Swap, I couldn't find one from those comics, and this is properly one of my most favourite Sansby AU'S Ships of all time)



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