Meeting Horror

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"Anyways, so in this timeline, the Player murders Queen Tori and King Asgore, and only those two, so when they escape the underground they just left without any of us, but we did have a queen...." I looked away hesitantly, not wanting to look at Undyne or Alphys.

"And w-who was the q-queen?" Alphys asked, I moved closer to Paps who was behind me, he gladly hugged me.

"No offence Undyne but..." the blue  fishes eyes widen, "could you maybe never, I mean NEVER be a queen again" her face went pale.

"What did I do as a queen?" She asked

"Well first, with the human gone and without a queen or king, our towns started to starve, without food or clean water, You wanted everyone to survive and go to the surface, but without the souls we couldn't" I explained.

"One day after I finished my job in waterfall, I walked by an echo flower, and you and Alphys were talking..." I avoided their looks and leaned more closer to Paps.

"W-what?-" I cut her off...again as I started talking again.

"Alphys wanted to kill me, saying it was the only way,-" I explained.

"I would never-" Alphys said.

"But cha did now get over it," I snapped at her, she moved back and leaned into Undyne.

"Sorry, I just really hate this timeline" I said, " Anyways... yeah, Alphys wanted to kill me but Undyne refused to, no matter how much Alphys tried to convince her that it was the only way we all could be free, she still refused, after that I walked home terrified, and stayed in my room for weeks and didn't come out" I said.

"DID I DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?" Papyrus asked, hoping that he did,

"Yeah, tried everyday to get me out, but as stubborn as I was, I didn't listen, but you did leave me some worms which I'm greatfull about" I smile, even if it was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten , I was still greatful that he at least cared for me.

The three of them make a disgusted noise,


"Because we didn't have any food, but food other resources so we didn't starve," I said, then their faces turned to smythany.

"Anyways, after those few weeks, I came out and noticed that our appearances were changing, it broke my heart when I saw Papyrus's teeth were all ✌🤞🖖👆ed up, but it made me smile when he was just trying to help out around the community" I said, earning another little slap around the head and a big hug.

"Dude you need to stop swearing, or at least in wingdings" Undyne said chuckling,

"Whatever, Paps is the boss of me Missy not you" I poked my blue tounge out.

"Stop being a smartass and continue" Undyne said, while getting a little slap from Alphys, muttering "Language".

"Okay So, Paps and I decided to help out around snowdin, we all stared food, well at least tried, we still soon realised that there still wasn't enough food, so I went and talked to... The queen about it" my breaths started to pick up as I started sweating.

"I walked out of Snowdin, I was stopped by Gift Bear- (The Bear that stands next to Grillby) and asked to go with me, But I wished... he stayed behind", I took at deep breath in and blew out again, my skull was leaning against Papyrus's chest while he hugged me from behind.

"We arrived at the castle, and I told G.B to stay behind, cause I told him I could handle it, I walked in and we talked in Judgement hall, you had guards beside you, for the next hour I tried to convince you about sharing the riches food to the poor, but you refused stating it wasn't apart of the law, we got into an heavy agrugement, then I gave up arguing with you, and walked away saying just stay away from me and Papyrus, next thing I knew a spear was- was..." blue liquid flew down my skull.

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