2: Something About Manners?

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Fred had never seen Bill so angry before.

"The attacks are getting more aggressive, we can't keep doing this." Harry screamed, slamming his fist on the table.

"And we can't go after a man that we can't find." Bill sighed out. His hand going up to massage his temple. "I refuse to send people out on a death mission."

"People are dying either way. We might as well do something about it." The brunet fires back.

"And all of this arguing isn't helping either side." George interjected.

Everyone in the room seemed to slump down in their seats.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Bill said, looking to the twins.

"I.." Fred ran his hand through his hair. "I don't have an answer for that yet."

"Merlin. It's tight enough." Skylar gasps out as Poppy, her newly assigned maid, pulls the laces on her corset even tighter.

The older lady just gives a little chuckle. "Alright. Quit your whining." She says giving her a small pat on the back before tying a small bow at the base. "Take it, it's your first time wearing one?"

"That obvious, huh?" Skylar says as she pulls at the uncomfortable garment before awkwardly shuffling to grab her overdress.

"No wonder it's so uncomfortable. You have the posture of a question mark." Poppy came up behind her and pushed her shoulders back, immediately she felt it slightly easier to breathe.

"Oh." Was all she said.

"Funny how that works isn't it?" Her nurse chided back with a small wink.

A knock on the door interrupts the exchange.

"I hope you're decent." A familiar voice calls through the door before the door swings open. Minerva steps into the room and sighs slightly.

"Well I can't say I'm surprised." She looks at the nurse, "Make sure she's presentable." Poppy nods.

"Now you. You stick out like a sore thumb." Skylar scoffs at the remark. "Luckily. I found someone willing to tutor you."


Skylar had never seen this amount of plates in her life. Let alone all laid out at once in front of her.

"Okay. The main course has just come out. There are different colored plates, which ones do you grab from?" Fleur asks her again, patience starting to run thin.

"Well seeing as it wasn't any of the last three I guessed, there's only one left. Silver?" Skylar said in return.

"All that matters is we got there eventually." The blonde perked up. "Okay. That's the basics you need to know for eating." Fleur pulls out another leather bound book that's almost double the size of the previous one.

Skylar takes one look at the book and lays her head against the cool wood of the table.

"This is going to take forever." She groans out.

"Well with that attitude, of course it will." Fleur chides.

"You know what. I've had enough." Skylar says

With a quick little flick of her wrist, the pages of the book started to fly open at a speed that was almost so fast you couldn't see them.

"Merlin, I don't why I didn't think of that in the first place." Skylar whispers to herself, the words currently sinking into her brain.

Fleur was staring at the girl wide-eyed, in shock almost.

"Where did you learn to do that?" She cried

Skylar stared at her for a moment. Dumbfounded.

"You're a witch? Can't you do it too?"

The girl just shook her head. "There are strict rules about magic. Girls aren't allowed to use it outside of school, our wands actually get broken once we graduate. I've never seen someone even attempt magic without a wand"She gushes. Suddenly she is giving Skylar the biggest smile she had seen the girl wear all day.

"You have to teach me!" Fleur all but screams. Skylar shushes the over excited girl.

"Absolutely not." She whispers at the blonde girl in front of her.

"Oh come on. I'm spending valuable time teaching you all this." She gestures to the piles of books laying on the table in front of them. "I don't need to know a lot. Just the simple stuff. You know to make life a little easier?" She gives her the biggest pout Skylar thinks she's ever seen.

"What do you have to do? You have servants waiting on your hand and foot. You could accomplish the same thing by flicking your arm around and having a person come running." Skylar says with a small snort at the idea of Fleur doing anything closely related to work.

"But think of how much freedom this could give me. Think of how it would look to someone that I could do things for myself."

"Is that even allowed?" Skylar retorts.

"Oh screw the etiquette for a second. Please?" She says, laying a hand on top of Skylars. Fleur must have sensed some softening in her resolve because she quickly followed it up with a small "Pretty please?"

"Oh fine!" Skylar said, throwing her hands up in defeat!

"Oh this is wonderful! How did you even learn?" She responds with a dreamy sigh.

The question hangs in the air for a second

"I used to watch my father. See, he trained all the swordsmen in our town and sometimes boys don't fight fair. I saw him do enough simple healing and simply asked him one day. I think deep down he was happy to pass on the housework to someone else." She lied like it was the fondest of memories. Fleur nodded excitedly, holding onto every single word like it was gospel.

"Like I said, I don't need to know every little detail. I just want to learn the basics." Fleur gives a big exaggerated pout..

"Didn't I already say yes?" Skylar shot back, faking a cross voice. "Now let it go before I change my mind. Do you know what the rest of the house would think if they heard anything we said?" With that Fleur pales ever so slightly and gives a short curt nod.

Giving a low curtsy she walks away. After a few paces she looks around the room a few times before looking back at the younger girl and giving her a knowing wink. Skylar just rolls her eyes before yelling "I'd love to get your opinion on a new dress. Would you meet me in my apartments after dinner please?"

With that she walks back over to the library shelf to put the books that Fleur had pulled out back up. After a few minutes she finds herself giggling slightly, letting her head fall into her hands.

Skylar found herself giddy at the thought of having a friend like Fleur. Someone who seemed to float on air, someone as graceful and poised as she seemed to be. But, as fond of the girl as she was, she's breaking about half of the rules she has ever had.

It's only fair she returns what little she can. After-all, Fleur only wanted to learn the very basics. It's not like she'll ever need to get a wand in her hand. Just the basics and one more secret she would have to keep. What could go wrong?

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