Chapter 3: Summer Failure

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A/N hello it has been a long time 😂 I apologize I just am extremely stuck plot wise on this story. (Plus college and my other story) Seeing as we really don't know anything about the to day at Inashiro. What I had OG planned would be pretty dumb. But I think I finally have this figured out. (Still dumb though)

          Ama did not make the cut for the Kanto Spring Tournament and it drove her nuts. She hated watching And not being able to do anything about it made it that much worse. She had watched as her fellow first year pitched from the mound and getting multiple strikeouts in a row during Kanto.

It annoyed her to the end of the earth that this was going to be were she stood coming into the spring practice games. She had made second string for the Spring practice season. Unfortunately when the summer members were finally called she was not. She had expected this deep down but it still sucked to have everything she had been working so hard for not pay off in the end.

The night after the opening ceremony to the West Tokyo tournament Ama's phone went off she did not check to see who it was as she had to dig around in her school bag to find it. When she answered she was not very surprised to hear the voice of her brother at the other end.
"Do you wish you had stayed home in Hokkaido now?" Satoru's voice did not sound mad which is what she had expected.
"Home, and be closer to Mom? I don't think so." Ama scoffed "I would rather be here not on first string than be under her prying eyes. You heard her on the video chat last week or where you sleeping with your eyes open? "

The week before Satoru had turned 17 and Ama had turned 16 they were exactly a year apart and after the previous year where Satoru had completely forgotten not only Ama's birthday but his own. (Though Ama suspected he had not really forgotten. ) Their mother insisted that the three of them meet via a FaceTime call. Ama remembered how She and her had basically heard nothing for Satoru. There mother had been deeply insulted when Satoru instead of staying awake at new year's had fallen asleep before dinner had hit the stove. She had ranted about how she had not heard from him since he had left for school and how he was dead asleep under the table.

"No, I was awake. She is still trying to get you to let her pick a guy for you to marry?" He asked
"Bingo." Ama replied. Their mother seemed sure that the instant that any one found that Ama was partly blind and was also fascinated with boy's sport that they would refuse to marry her. So their mother had become set on finding someone for to marry before they knew. "I guess you can also heard her rant on how she hates me playing baseball." Ama sat on her bed with her back against the wall pulling her feet under hear. "She is going to be thrilled that I did not make the first string."

"How do you feel about that?" He asked. Ama was glad he was not wringing her neck at least not yet. The two of them had not been very close since they had moved to Hokkaido. But they had always at least been caring about each other.

"To be honest I was kinda expecting it." She looked at her left hand almost as if examining it looking for unsolved answers. "I knew choosing Inashiro over Komadai Fujimaki was going to be tougher for me baseball wise. But I don't want baseball to end for me after High School I want to play in college if I can." Though she knew that was next to impossible it was part of the reason she had insisted on going to Inashiro. "If I wanted baseball to out live mom's crazy plans I had to do this."

"I didn't realize had adamant she was about all that." Satoru said. "When I saw you here in Tokyo I could not understand why you would want to be here. Though I still think your mad for giving up a team that wanted you that badly."

"Haha, and here I thought you were earning your big brother points." Ama said a smile still on her face great full for the phone between them. She did not want him to know how good talking to him made her feel. The distance they had kept his last year of middle school had been devastating to her. The only time they spent together was when she helped him study for the entrance exam to Seido. Back then she had not understood his decision she was not sure she ever would though. "How are you though? I saw you lost the ace number." For a second Ama thought their call had disconnected but then she heard her brother speak.

"My pitching was all over the place I couldn't get out of my own head in time. Sawamura has worked hard and he was the better choice this time I think." Satoru said. Ama was stunned by the honesty in the words he had just said. "I will be taking the ace number back in the fall though and you better make to first string."
"I will try my best but no promises."
"To be honest though it might be best for you. Last summer I thought the heat was going to kill me."

Ama had to admit he had hit a good point. The summer sun was sapping energy from her in ways she could not even imagine. It was only going to get hotter from here on out. Come fall the weather fall far more favorable to her. Though she knew the Ace number was far out of her reach. Though that would have been the case in almost any top-tier school since she was a side arm and a girl. Her only advantage was being a lefty sidearm. But first she still had to prove her self worthy of first string.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this crappy chapter 🙃.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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