Chapter 1: Escape The Land Of Snow

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Furuya Amaterasu (Ama)
降谷 天照
Bats and Throws: left
Position: Pitcher
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 173 cm / 5 foot 8
Birthday: July 1st ( exactly a year younger than Furuya Satoru)
Ama stood on a baseball field with a bunch of other first years she had been the last to the field and the last in line. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail going through the back of her baseball cap. She was nervous but yet excited, that day was finally the day she would have a chance to play against her brother on equal footing. That was why she picked this school when she had offers from a few others. She was ready, now she just had to prove that she was and today was the start of that.

Ama was stood next to a very tall boy. Who had given her no attention what so ever. She was looking across to all the older players standing opposite of them. It was than that it hit her that she really may not be excepted on this team. She took in her breath as her fellow first years started introducing themselves. One by one they went along Shima Ryouhei, Mitsuichi Youji, Yoshizawa Akimitsu, along with 12 others and finally the boy next to her.
"Akamatsu Shinji, Minamisawa Senior, pitcher." Then it was her turn.
"Furuya Amaterasu, Hokkaido South Senior, pitcher." As expected everyone looked at her. There was a lot of muttering, the boy next to her made a chocking sound. She could not see him so she turned her head. To see him but he kept looking straight. She caught the glare of the team's ace. Damn he was actually really intimidating up close with blue eyes boring into you like that.

The first years were sent off to separate section of the field for Physical evaluation. Ama was walking along her black hair swishing behind her. We she heard someone come up next to her. Unfortunately she could see who it was so she dropped back then speed up so she did not have to keep turning her head. It was the boy who had been standing next to her in the line up.
"Are you related to Furuya Satoru?" The boy asked
"That is a little direct don't you think?" Ama asked "may I ask who is asking?"
"Sorry. I am Akamatsu Shinjin"
"Furuya Amaterasu." Ama replied "and yes I am related to Furuya Satoru. He is my older brother."
"Than what are you doing here? Hokkaido that is way up north." The boy asked
"Well have you ever seen a white ball fly across snow?" Ama asked with a smirk
"No, I have not." He said looking confused
"It's not a fun experience to be honest I don't want to be dealing with that another three years. I got an offer here so this is where I chose to come."

As the next couple days progressed the first years had gone through different drills since the first string team had practices cut slightly back thanks to the Tokyo Metropolitan spring tournament being in full swing and the coach wanted to see if there was anyone worth adding to the roster. Ama was actually finding that she like Inashiro. She actually liked her teachers and was enjoying practice. She had performed reasonably well in Stamina training. But her batting was definitely far below where everyone else's was. She knew could not bat worth a damn. Which she knew she struggled with because she had to hold her head weird when the ball actually was near the plate which usually meant that even when she did actually make contact that she fouled a lot. Which in it's own weird way was good for tiring out the other teams pitcher. Ama was working with a second year who was trying to get her to hold her head differently. She eventually gave up and did what she has told then proceeded to whiffed everything that came her way.a
Ama heard something like
"Pitchers" and "can't hit a damn" escape his mouth which made her chuckle slightly.
Her bunting was her true savior where other batters practiced actually swinging. Ama found it a lot easier to bunt and had actually managed to get on base with her fast legs in games in middle school. She just hoped that would be enough here.
A couple days later she and the other baseball club members went and watched Inashiro's game.
She had just managed catch the last two inning where she saw her brother playing left field and batting like his life depended on it. What really caught her attention was the weird southpaw that Seido had. She remembered watching the spring tournament at Koshien and she pulled up a memory from the first game that Seido had played.
"Shima-Kun isn't that the pitcher that fell off the mound at Koshien?" Ama asked the boy next to her. As she was laughing
"Oh my gosh your right!" The boy laughed
"You guys laugh now but I promise you that pitcher has given us trouble in the past." Said Tadano the teams starting catcher.
"Sorry Tadano-Senpai."
Seido ended up Winning their game and Ama was determined to go find her brother. After all she had not seen him since New Years.

Furuya Satoru was walking back to the bus. With Sawamura and Haruichi when he heard someone shouting
"Satoru! Satoru! Wait up!" Furuya, Haruichi, and Sawamura turned around. Furuya's eyes widened at what he saw.
"Ama. What the hell are you doing here?"
"Is that seriously how you are going to great me?" The girl asked unimpressed
"Furuya who is this?" asked Sawamura in an over excited motion.
"Hey your that pitcher that was just pitching! By the way that was actually pretty impressive." Ama said.
"This is Furuya Amaterasu, my little sister." Said Furuya
"Sister!" Yelled Sawamura then he looked at Ama why are you wearing a Inashiro Shirt. "Because I am here to cheer on my team." Replied Ama
"Wait what are you talking about?" Furuya asked
"I am going to Inashiro. Mom talked it over with Grandma and Grandpa when we came down to visit you for New Years." Ama said. Furuya shook his head.
"I don't remember that." He said
"Well of course you don't" Ama said in a sarcastic tone. "You were asleep covered by the table cloth blowing snot bubbles out your nose!" Sawamura snorted at that
"What happened to you going to Komadai Fujimaki! I thought you where supposed to be part of their pitcher relay!" He asked
"Whilst, your pampered ass has been down here not completely freezing your ass off during winter training. I had to suffer chasing that damn white ball across the snow. Do you remember how the snow got in your shoes and your toes would be frozen?" Furuya shook his head.
"Not really" he admitted.
"Wait you play baseball!?" Asked Sawamura
"Yes." Ama replied looking at him like he was dumb. Which Furuya had to remind himself she had never meet Sawamura and there for didn't know that Sawamura was in fact that.
"What position do you play!?"
"What do you think I play? asked Ama
"Out field." Said Sawamura. Both of the Furuyas laughed at that.
"Sawamura. She is a pitcher." Furuya said Sawamura made an O with his mouth. "actually she is a southpaw." Then he turned and looked at his sister. "That still does not explain why you are at Inashiro of all places." Furuya said shaking his head.
"I got an offer from them in November."
"I decided it was worth looking into so we looked at the school when we were down here for New Year. I decided it was a win. After all I wanted to escape the land of snow and it would be a lot easier to make your life hell here than from Hokkaido!" Ama  said laughing.
"So you gave up an opportunity to go to a school that has been to nationals multiple times, has in fact won multiple time, and you were being scouted for since your second year of middle school! To play on a team in Tokyo that was crushed by Komadai Fujimaki in the finals last year! I can't believe you!"
"Well I don't see that it is any of your concern."
"You are so damn stupid Ama I can't believe mom let you do this!"
"Well she hardly could say no after she let you go to Seido."
"I still can't believe this." Furuya said shaking his head
"Satoru are you scared of your little sister out shining you again?" Ama asked
"You know what Ama if you are going to be like that. I will see you in the summer. That is if you even make the first string. Especially with your eye. This is not junior high anymore. This is where the big boys come and play and I am afraid your not going to make it." Furuya said coldly
"Fine see you in the summer brother! I hope you can keep your ace number with him around." She said nodding her head at Sawamura. Then she walked off.

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