- Chapter 13 -

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"Do we have to?" he drags out the 'o' as his shoulders shrugged down, Phil pouts.

Dan gives him a solemn look shaking his head

"I'm sure they will be wondering why Zoe had suddenly stopped making videos, Phil, and hasn't for a year now." he places a hand on his shoulder chuckling sarcastically.

This was a difficult position to be in, having to break the tragic news to millions of confused people that their favorite youtuber is no longer alive... there will never be a new video, they'll never see her again, how sad is that to think of. We shouldn't have let it go for this long, but I couldn't do it... Dan was utterly terrified.

I've woken up night terrors and panic attacks almost every night. I keep imagining I'm the one driving the car with Zoe in the back screaming, and every time we just flip and I wake up.  Its terrifying and I can't make it stop, Phil cuddles me at night....  it helps but it doesn't completely stop them

They sign onto her account with the information she had written in her daily planner thay sat upon her desk.

Dan takes out his camera and tripod, he was sat on Zoe's bed next to Phil, The bed creaked and dust flew into the air, the bed was soft yet cold with dead flowers and scented candles cascaded on the white comforter in front of a very beautiful framed photo of Zoe along with the little polariods she had hanging above her bed by a wire and fairy lights. Memories flooding back like a tidal wave in his broken heart. this was The Bed of Memories as Dan likes to call it.

Phil turns towards the camera then back to Dan, "You ready?"

Dan nods timidly playing with the hem of his jumper.

with the push of a button it was recording, Dan's shaky nervousness increased as his palms became sweaty and his heart thudded in his chest.

He looks up towards the bright lights shining on his face and then towards the camera

"Hey guys...." Dan says with a long sigh.

"...Well, You may be wondering why me and Phil are here, on Zoe's channel, it's actually a... very long story..." he uncomfortably chuckles and looks away from the camera.

"...And also why she hasn't made a video in ages..." Phil chimes in staring blankly at the floor.

"A year to be exact..." Dan adds.

"uhm.. let's just cut to the chase... There was an accident, and I'm afraid Zoe is no longer .... w-" Dan chokes up sightly rubbing his neck with his shaking hand. Phil looks up at him with concern in his eyes, "with us... sorry" Dan finishes.

He looks over at Phil who again stares blankly at the wooden floors stained with a rainbow of spots from the fashionista spilling her boutyful beauty products.

Dan grabs the camera off the tripod facing it towards The Bed of Memories 

"This is her bed, with candles and things... and nice pictures.."

the camera holds this shot for a while, Dan was staring at the picture of Zoe kissing Dan's cheek, all the thoughts came rushing back and he couldn't hold in the tears, being in her room, its been a year, its been an entire year and it still feels like the incident happened yesterday, he thinks about all the things she's missed including Dillan's first birthday...

"It's v-very ..nice." his voice cracks and the camera falls to the bed, his hands held against his face and Phil's arms around his shoulders.

"Dan, Dan, its okay... please stop... oh gosh... Dan..." Phil grabs the camera from the bed, and turns it off without a goodbye to Zoe's viewers.

To my Danosaur : a Phanfiction(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now