- Chapter 7 -

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Phil P.O.V.


my head hurts... and I can't feel my feet, where am I? who is that calling my name...


there is It again... who is that? I wish I could open my eyes... I... I can barely even move...

"Doctor... what happened?"

Doctor? am I in a hospital... I cant remember what happened... agh but I feel like puking... I can just hear mumbling ..can't really interpret their words... it only sounds like noise... humming... its quite peaceful... it sounds like... Dan...


oh my God its Dan! I ...i remember now... i ... i was in a car crash! I had gotten into a fight with him before driving off from the party... I was slightly hung over and wiping tears from my eyes when that car had hit me!

I have to tell Dan I'm sorry for driving off and that I was stupid for leaving him...

I just


I try to move my lips but nothing is coming out...

the humming has stopped... maybe he left...

I flinch at his touch, his soft cold hand rubbing circles on the back of mine. I can't believe he is still here... after all that... I want to jump up and hug him tight but I am unable to... all I can do is whimper slightly... it was so quiet I wasn't sure if he could hear me...

DAN. I LOVE YOU. IM SORRY. I shouted in my head... but not out loud... he couldn't hear me... he can't hear me... my eyelids feel glued shut... I try so hard to get them to open... no luck. more whimpering in attempt to get him to hear me this time.

he stops rubbing circles on my hand... he grabs my hands and intertwines our fingers.. this is nice.

"Phil... I'm so sorry... Im sorry I betrayed you and our love... I love you so much... please don't leave me."

I heard him clearer now, I felt lips press against my ear, sweet soft warm lips that i knew were Dans.

I wanted to turn and kiss him but I couldn't even get my god damn eyes open.

(Dan P.O.V)

the nurse walks in with a clipboard in her hand.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave for a little bit while I check him out" she flashes me a smile and I humbly agree. kissing him on his forhead before leaving the room turning back to look at him once more.

Phil pov

she takes the breathing tube out slowly and I feel it inch up my throat causing me to gag. my eyes shoot open and everything is a blur. I go into a coughing fit and the nurse hands me water. I couldn't speak, i still couldnt move my limbs and my vision was hazy... I layed back down forcefully and painfully. she checks my IVs and blood pressure. then begins speaking to me.

"Phillip? can you hear me?"

I try to nod but my head was stuck in one position. so I opened my eyes once for yes.

"can you move your head at all?"

I blinked twice for no.

she writes scribbles on her clipbaord then figets with my tubes again.

"can you move your toes for me?"

I blink twice

she gets up and walks over to the landline on the wall.

" yes we have a code nine in room 247... okay thank you"

she hangs up and walks back over to me.

" you'll be alright I'm going to stay right with you, the doctors going to check you out"

a bald man with glasses in a white coat walks in with a stethescope around his neck and heads over to the bed.

he checks me out for a minute or two.

"Phil, does your head hurt?"

I blink once.

he reaches in his pocket to find a small flashlight. he shines it in my eyes for a moment then asks how many fingers he's holding up.

"he can't speak, sir" the nurse informs him.

"blink" he tells me.

I dont move my eyes at all. because i couldn't really see his fingers. which I know was not a good sign.

"he can't see. he can't move.. and he can't speak.. he must have paralysis and head trauma."

paralysis? I can't be paralysed. I can breathe fine...

"Yes, but good thing its only temporary" he smiles at me.

my eyeballs move toward the direction of the window to see Dan standing there watching me. I could tell by the worried look on his face that he overheard what they diagnosed.

As soon as the nurse and doctor left the room he rushes in and kisses my still lips, I wish I could feel his lips against mine, I could only feel certain things though.

my eyes meet his shining cinnamon ones. His tears stained his dimpled cheeks as he attempted to smile.

"I'm happy you're awake."

He looks down at my hand and grabs it in his, at least I could feel that.

"it just sucks you can't move... or talk... at least you can breathe, that's all I want, is for you to be breathing" he kisses the back of my hand gently, but I could still feel it, it tickled a bit, but in a good way.

"listen... I want you to know that I am sorry for sleeping with Zoe, I didn't mean to hurt you. .. literally." he chokes up, tears streaming down his face as he examines my lifeless paralysed body.

I wish I could wipe them away.

I started to cry, I could feel the tear slowly make its way down my face and of course Dan reached up to wipe it away.

"Don't cry my love, its only temporary"

"I hope you forgive me... do you still love me?"

I blinked once.

* * * * *

I don't know why I've been slacking so much. but idk why I make a big deal bc its not like anyone's actually waiting for my updates. ¤

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